SCP Foundation: The Administrator Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Grayscale Minecraft Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

SCP Foundation: The Administrator

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The Fishmonger's Avatar The Fishmonger
Level 39 : Artisan Button Pusher
Security Clearance: [Data Expunged]

Duties: Governing the distribution of data and Administration of Duties. 'The Administrator' is more of an editor and not a writer. In fact, SCP Command has barred him from authoring any work, stating that 'favoritism' and 'conflicts of interest' were the reason his duties must be remain strictly administrative. It is rumored that he documents SCPs under a pen name, though no one knows as who

Biography: The Administrator has been known to exist for much longer than the typical span of a human life. Many personnel have noted that due to the fact that they have never seen him, and only occasionally receive word from his office, that he is a hoax. These personnel are to be summarily hanged.

It has been noted that he has a habit of keeping his hands together, never bringing them more than a few inches apart, even when reaching for things. Though he is seen as slow and even at times sluggish in nature, he has displayed amazing feats of strength when needed on several occasions. His ar

Personnel Reports

Professor Kain Pathos Crow: “Oh, he’s just something people talk about over lunch or when they’re between assignments. It kills time, and it’s a fun game to speculate on who really calls the shots in this crazy world."

Agent Fritz Willie: “I like to tell people he’s my brother.”

Dr. Snorlison: “I’d like to poke at him and see what happens. Just to see if any of the rumors about being made entirely of legs and toes are true. Or something like that, at least.”

Director Neil Ghost: “No big deal, son.”

Dr. Gears: “There are no records of anyone by that name working for the Foundation.”

Dr. Iceberg: “Whatever the bossman said goes. I’m not on staff to care about last decade’s rumors.”

Dr. Glass: “Never met the guy. Heard he’s pretty interesting, though. I’d love to sit down and have a chat with him, but he’s probably too busy. I’ve never even gotten a call back about it.

Dr. Alto Clef: “Who?”

Dr. Chelsea "Photosynthetic" Elliott: “I’ve actually done some research on him. Earliest records are about sixty years ago, and beyond that there's some vague references to a 'leader'. Most of the records, though, are incomplete or just references by name. Not much of substance.”

Dr. Frederick Heiden: “Please, leave me alone.”

Dr. Jack Bright: “Yeah, I’ve heard of the guy yer talking about. He’s just a legendary thing, from back in the day. When we thought there were twelve O5's, we said he was there t'be the tie-breaker. People don’t talk about it much now, anymore. Probably because we don’t need icons like that to keep people together.”

Dr. Jacob "Kens" Kensington: “I think he bought me lunch once.”

Dr. Rights: “I heard he lives up in a biiig tower at Overwatch, and he watches down on the O5’s from the back of a mighty, scaled dragon, and he flies the skies for free! Or, uh, something like that. You’ll have to wait until I finish the book to hear the whole story.”

Dr. Northrop: I'm a little busy right now, can you come back later?

Agent Strelnikov: “Is stupid rumor.”

Dr. Mann: “He’s probably more interesting on the inside than outside.”

Dr. Kondraki:Fuck that guy.”

Dr. Tilda D. Moose: (Laughs)“No, no, I don’t think we even humor that one anymore. It’s like the mid-tier research staff telling the new people there’s a pool on the third floor. Nobody really believes it, but a couple people every year try and ask, ‘just to check’. But yes, it’s a more or less dead rumor.”

Agent Fredericks: “Is that the same thing as being the Overwatcher, or am I messing that up again?

Dr. S. Vang: “He’s a famous dead guy. Who is famous for being a famous dead guy. Or something. I don't think anyone really gives a sh- er, that anyone really cares.”

Director Maria Jones: “Why, did somebody find him?”

Dr. Django Bridge: “Sure, I know him. He hangs out at the pool on the fifth floor.”

Agent Lament: “Well, we’re not really supposed to give our thoughts on the guy. It’s one of those distracting things, the ones that they say keep people from their real jobs.”
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02/25/2022 8:37 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
DeltaFunds's Avatar
Very cool skin
06/06/2019 8:05 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Childman's Avatar
I like to think this is actually scp 990
