Skeleton Minecraft Skin
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Emperor Doom
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Zombie
This is actually the low-res skin I based the Skelton in my "vonDoomcraft:HD Mobs" off of.
I made it a while back, before switching to HD textures, and kind of forgot about it until now.

As with all non-HD skins at the moment, the body transparency will not work. However, in-game the transparent bits are automatically filled with black, and the skin still looks quite good!

You can also use this as a skin for your Skeleton mobs by renaming it to "skeleton.png" and placing it in your Mobs folder.

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10/13/2011 9:36 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Toast
It's funny, see-through skins haven't worked since Alpha, and this STILL looks cool!
