SPLATOON | Agent 3 (Inspiration from PlanetGuitar) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

SPLATOON | Agent 3 (Inspiration from PlanetGuitar)

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Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
SPLATOON | Agent 3 (Inspiration from PlanetGuitar) Minecraft Skin
Canon Agent 3, somehow didn't know this until I made the skin >.>

First request!
After creating my Spatoon 2 skin, one of my friends asked me through
Discord if I could make them Agent 3 from Splat-one! Overall took about a little more time than my Callie skin, mainly due to trying to figure out how to shade some aspects of the clothing/hair. Big thanks to PlanetGuitar, his female inkling skin helped me to create the "hair" on the helmet layer! Check him out by clicking on his name!

More skins coming soon™!

Stay Fresh!


Version without the weird "Turtle Neck" thing
SPLATOON | Agent 3 (Inspiration from PlanetGuitar) Minecraft Skin
CreditPlanetGuitar for the hair on the helmet layer!

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08/08/2017 12:56 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
I can already see something that I have to fix on this skin, update coming soon™
