strawberry-cheeked bunny ! 🐰🍓 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

strawberry-cheeked bunny ! 🐰🍓

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Credit to hyp , lorastyle , and justroarr on skinseed !

hyp for the skin shading and eyes , lorastyle for the bunny hat / outfit , and justroarr for the hair !

Just a skin I randomly made a while back :) In my old style too ! I got the name from a bunny I knew of when I was a kid ! It always had red cheeks and liked strawberries , so we named it strawberry !

Yes , I used several bases to help make this , but I gave credit and think it turned out quite well !

If you want to reach me , discord is preferred ! Mine is rat!#8083 , or I also have skinseed ! You can find me on nuisances or cherryboy !
Credithyp , lorastyle , and justroarr on skinseed !

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