Stylized🐸Happy Frog Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Stylized🐸Happy Frog

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
Look who decided to come out next!
The popstar!
The singer!
The new star of the show:

⭐Happy Frog🐸

Step on up happy, because we need to get a good look at you!

I wanted to follow up with a white theme in some of her clothing as well! I feel it gives her a little shine! However, white is not her dominant color in this outfit! In fact, its more of the darker colors that make up most of her outfit!

But for the smaller details, I made the ball antenna on her head, into 3 antennas with star shapes instead! When she said she's the new star of the show, she meant it!
(I feel like 3 stars is foreshadowing for something comedic, but I can't put my finger on it)

But now, getting to the outfit, check out that checkered shading pattern!! Starting from one side, all the way to the smooth darkness on the other!
It creates a nice effect that makes it look like light is shining on her from one side, revealing the neat patterns underneath!

This fit also tops off with a white and purple short cut jacket! All the more with a tear on the torso to show off Happy Frog's rebellious side! Showing the others, that she's not afraid to take the lead and absolutely demolish the show on stage!

The colors on her boots, when put together, almost look like bees!
Why is that?
Well, she's Happy Frog!
And she's happy as can 🐝Bee!🐝
(get it?)

Don't worry! The others will be here in a moment!
if I'm not mistaken....I can here....

the sounds of a banjo....

2 Update Logs

Update! 2.0! : by llPettyCandlesll 12/23/2024 12:47:37 amDec 23rd, 2024

Say hello to the new happy frog! Looking more like a pop star than she has ever before!

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12/23/2024 10:06 pm
He/Him • Level 59 : Grandmaster uwu Toast
You truly did amazing job with the shading, friend! ✨
03/04/2023 5:10 am
Any/All • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
I almost forgot to mention the bow on her head!
Cute isn't it?
01/01/2025 3:31 am
Any/All • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Artist
The bow is no more 😈😈
