Tech-Priest - Mechanicus Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Tech-Priest - Mechanicus

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Religious Nut's Avatar Religious Nut
Level 48 : Master Giraffe
"This is my oath! These Xenos will know the ecstasy of total annihilation; it will be as if Sol itself consumed them!"

Mechanicus serves the Imperium as its makers of thier weapons and equipment. In battle, the Tech-Priest would make its own armor and ware it in the battle field. Although they serve the Imperium, they do not follow it's religion. But instead, they follow another, known as Cult Of The Machines.

Forgive me if the info on Mechanicus is bad, for I found out about them today. Yes they are a whole new faction which I understand if you have never heard of them. and yea I know it's bad <_<

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