The Crow | My skin and profile character Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

The Crow | My skin and profile character

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Crqw's Avatar Crqw
Level 72 : Legendary Batman

vIRaptorIv persona

| I am used to be a shadow, no need to interact with anything and anybody.

I see the world changes without my presence and I am fine with just watching it does |

The Crow | My skin and profile character Minecraft Skin

Well, it is unusual for my page yeah, but meet- simple palette skin I use on my account which has evolved into a character somehow. Might seem like a strange idea but this, anyway, is what is going to represent me, Raptor, on this site not only as a Gotham city builder.

Some of the "lore"

Name: unknown, got called "the crow"
Age: unknown, mentally younger than 20
Who: a young spirit of curiosity, a shadow that watches you
Height: varies, average 1m76
Preferences: rain, night, every event / action that he manages to watch and call ''amusing''
Skin: pale gray, originally unknown
Eyes: very from glowing cyan to just dark blue
Appearance: Varies from a hooded creature to a young pale teen and depends on situation.

The thing that remains is that it's always dark blue tones and is dark even in the darkness
Food preferences: are there such?
Living place: no exact universe, may appear anywhere during a rainy night
Likes: traveling, watching ''amusing events'', being unnoticed, dark colors and darkness.
Dislikes: being involved in anything, ''boring events''
Folklore status: in little villages across the infinite worlds you may hear a rhyme:

"Rain, thunder and full moon.

Darkness comes and brings the doom,

Light the torch or bring a lamp,

shadows always get a life.

One might watch you, so you leave,

Since they always bring a grief.



1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Crqw 06/16/2022 2:48:12 pmJun 16th, 2022

He now is a lot less dark well

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Karl-El Schkinmacher-Tten
06/15/2022 3:09 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Theorist
Karl-El Schkinmacher-Tten's Avatar
Very nice
