The Yellow Guy - FEEF/EGSSS Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

The Yellow Guy - FEEF/EGSSS

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Calendar Man's Avatar Calendar Man
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Sidekick to the Orange Guy, Yellow Guy plays a key role in the lore of the FEEF games, by creating the original framework for the Fairground Automatons that Orange Guy later hijacked to create an earthquake that destroyed the 9th Fred Meyer’s department store. Unlike the Orange Guy, Yellow Guy never had any malice in mind when he built automatons. He just wanted to improve the shopping experience at the Fred Meyer’s©Department Stores. He was the one who left the ominous note to the night shift Stock Team members warning them of the Circus Hybrid Turbulent Rainbow Automatons. Yellow Guy is a lot less enigmatic compared to his Orange counterpart, and has images of him and Rubber Duck-E scattered throughout the store as hidden collectibles, which unlock a download code for EGSSS 3: Lights Out. Yellow Guy is prominent in the EGSSS series, always directing the children away from the dangers of Sesame Street.

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09/16/2018 7:45 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
07/26/2018 12:03 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Grump
UnforgivenSpace's Avatar
so, you pretty much replaced Faz_?
Calendar Man
07/26/2018 12:31 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Calendar Man's Avatar
I’d be honored to have that title, but I put nowhere near as much heart into my skins as he did. Thanks for the compliment, though.
07/26/2018 1:45 am
Level 41 : Master Chef
thgil's Avatar
Nice fellow.
Calendar Man
07/26/2018 3:08 am
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Calendar Man's Avatar
It’s a shame that he had to bite the dust in FEEF 11.
07/26/2018 8:27 am
Level 41 : Master Chef
thgil's Avatar
But FEEF 11 hasn't come out yet.
Calendar Man
07/26/2018 11:18 am
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Calendar Man's Avatar
I’ve been digging through Scotty McAughlin’s trash, and I found the script for FEEF 11 in there. Not much interesting is revealed in it, but I’m sure there will be some interesting visuals that “add” to the game’s lore once it’s out! Right?
07/26/2018 12:20 pm
Level 41 : Master Chef
thgil's Avatar
Right; but where did you get this false conception that yelow guy -had- died? Are you saying that FEEF 11 is a prequel, and that all th other scenes with him were actually flashbacks to the events before FEEF 11? If so, then why do the scenes with yellow guy directly correspond to the time line of each corresponding game he's featured in?
Calendar Man
07/26/2018 12:35 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Calendar Man's Avatar
As we know, starting with FEEF 2, every third game is a prequel. The script doesn’t show any signs of being a prequel, but I think Scotty would follow tradition. Regardless of whether it’s a prequel or not, Yellow Guy eats a heaping bowl of dust in FEEF 11.
