Toy Story: Mr. Potato head and The Aliens "You have saved our lives we are eternally grateful" Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Toy Chest Minecraft Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Toy Story: Mr. Potato head and The Aliens "You have saved our lives we are eternally grateful"

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Pancakess's Avatar Pancakess
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lemon
GOOD DAY YA GUYS!!! It feels great to be back!!! After 2 years of being inactive finally comes my first ever skin for 2018! So i guess this is my comeback skin? XD Idunno i just missed skinning and all so yeah, it's not that great but yeahh here's the description for the skin...

This is not the description
I bet you guys know this guy already, right? for those who don't.. SHAME ON YOU!!!...and for those who knows... YAPS!! You got it right it's Mr. Potato Head from TOY STORY, and what's that small greeny thingy majiggie underneath Mr. Potato Head ya say? That is the Squeeze Toy Alien carrying Mr. Potato Head and is eternally grateful to him for saving their lives... Wanna be like Mr. Potato Head? Go press that Diamond Button and I will be eternally grateful to you! :* and oh yeah don't mind the subscribe button I rarely make skins nowadays but maybe i SAID MAYBE i will be posting some more skins for ya guys, just give me suggestions :P :*... THANKS YOU GUYS AND GOD SPEED MINERS!!!
Since back then kids really really likes to play toys and do different kinds of stuffs to it like throwing it, doodling all over it or even feeding it with real food, but toys back then are so limited making it less enjoyable to them especially for George Lerner. George is the kind of kid who play his toys differently among other kids, he likes to customize his toys like adding different parts on it. Let us say a barbie doll with a head of a dinosaur, that is how George play with his toys. But as time passes by George have this pain on his chest every time he destroys a toy and reconstruct it differently. This pain for him made him thought that maybe toys have a mind of its own so destroying them is like killing a human. So George made another way to take this pain away.

One night, the Lerner family is having a potato for dinner. Before they ate George's Father poked the potatoes with an olive on a toothpick, while George was staring on the potato he was like "Woah! did that potato just stared at me?". From that moment on George thought of a genius way to make a toy of his own. So George took a potato from their garden, a toothpick and a modeling clay, then started making an eyes, nose, mouth and the limbs and poking it into the toothpick and poking the toothpick into the potato making a face like feature into the potato. Then that is when the Mr. Potato Head toy was made.

Image result for the creator of mr potato head
GEORGE LERNER (1922–1995)

The story is made up, I'm just trying to be creative
But I do wish to have a Potato head of my own, it's a unique toy for me

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Pancakess 09/17/2018 4:32:27 amSep 17th, 2018


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10/29/2018 1:18 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Batman
taterman88's Avatar
Messed around with a potato head skin a lot and it never looked half this good. Truly amazing work
10/10/2018 10:37 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Princess
Wendy_Clark_BATiM_OC's Avatar
09/30/2018 12:44 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Magical Girl
etqtay's Avatar
Congrats! ^^ <3
09/26/2018 9:11 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Zombie
HarveyGore's Avatar
09/04/2018 1:32 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Batman
Squirrel's Avatar
If this doesn't win, I will kermit
09/03/2018 7:02 am
Level 45 : Master Witch
Caromid's Avatar
this is just brilliant!!
09/02/2018 10:21 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Grump
UnforgivenSpace's Avatar
I missed u
09/03/2018 7:48 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lemon
Pancakess's Avatar
I missed you too :,)
09/02/2018 9:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Archer
hshdje72626's Avatar
Omg. Wow! This is amazing! Can you teach me how u did this ;w;
09/02/2018 10:08 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lemon
Pancakess's Avatar
uhmmm...... i'm not a teacher i'm a skinner x3, but really tho i'm not a good teacher

