Tuhan Simetri - [WAS FOR CONTEST] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Tuhan Simetri - [WAS FOR CONTEST]

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PixelPause's Avatar PixelPause
Level 38 : Artisan Droid

Due to reasons I could not understand, my contest skin was disqualified... One of the judges disqualified my skin due to it looking like another, but the real reason was because I used someone else's palette. The whole skin was created by me, except for the colours...

So, let's just hope I can learn to colour pick, and I will be back making skins for fun soon.

In the midst of the ancient flocculent clouds, the Primordial Gods gaze down on the ample world, we call 'Earth'. The large assortment of Gods reign the over-world, and apply their powers for the greater good, to enhance the ability and use of Earth.

Thousands of years before the creation of man kind and the universe itself, the God of Entirety needed accomplices, and brought the main Gods into existence; the Gods of life, matter, and thoughts. These three gods developed the main structure of the universe, along with the God of Entirety. The four Gods desired more accomplices, and created many grand Gods to come. Those Gods distributed powers and responsibilities to the system, which branched out to the insignificant and unknown Gods, one of which, is the 'God of Symmetry'.

The 'God of Symmetry' arose from the Mayan Gods and was brought to life along the line, by the God of Matter. This God predetermined the use of reflections, shadows, and all symmetrical attributes; consequently creating 'Tuhan Simetri'.

Tuhan Simetri, being timid and weary, was imagined to be superior, and sententious deep inside. The tidiness and obsessive behavior of this wonderful God was used well through the heart of Earth, and thrived time and time again.

The way in which life in the universe used Tuhan Simetri's features, powered this adherent creation. The more your feature is used, the more powerful and refined you are. In this case, Tuhan Simetri was one of the most powerful, but unknown of Gods in the system. This is an error that should have never occurred, which has left countless others in the fog of the unknown, but in the pool of power.

Everything ever created involves symmetry, and basic rules of light. Everything that Tuhan Simetri attends to, does exactly that.

Well... here I am again, back in the contest realm. I decided to create something completely original, that no one has created as of yet, and incorporated it into a design of my own. I actually liked this contest, and look forward to seeing how everything pans out.

The reason I uploaded this contest skin so late involves the troubles I had along the way. My troubles of creating this skin started from the original idea, and how effective it would be on an audience.
I started thinking of completely original Gods, that looked nice, and had useful powers. Once I had that idea in my head, I thought of many designs... I actually spent about 3 days alone on the head, and refining it. After that was left alone, I couldn't think of any clothes or armor to attend to the skin, so I started by creating a fully naked version, which took another day to create. Then I was in a skinning hiatus, which stopped me in my tracks. I created about 4 versions with different types of clothing, ranging from hard armor to soft clothing. I then ran over them with different tinted colours, and asked a few 'expert' skinners on which colour and clothing type they thought was the most effective, including and KnobleKnives, PixeLoveR. I agreed with them, and came to the conclusion of mildly soft armor, with the green tint. I then refined the skin until I thought it was in a neat condition, created a story, and dropped dead from my brain exploding.

Here I am, fully recovered from my exploding brain, and proud to post another contest skin. (Now the annoying stress of creating a skin in time for a contest is over :D)

I will be adding the various edits of the skin here when the contest is over, if anyone would like different colours or different styles.

Almighty Preview:


Feel free to Diamond, Favourite, and Subscribe if you enjoy my work.
Made in Minecraft Skin Viewer and Paint.Net

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PixelPause 07/17/2013 4:36:30 amJul 17th, 2013

Added a reason to my disqualification...

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07/06/2013 7:59 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
Disqualified Entry.
Replaced Finalist with: slork---god-of-fire
Contest Disqualification
Determined to have been heavily remixed from http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/skeletor-from-the-famed-80s-era-cartoon-masters-of-the-universe/
Please read the contest rules carefully.
07/07/2013 8:32 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Droid
PixelPause's Avatar
Firstly, you stated that it was, 'Determined to have been heavily remixed from KnobleKnives Skeletor'... when it looks nothing like it. Secondly, a few moderators then started saying that it was because I used a palette of KnobleKnives, who willingly let me use it, which was never mentioned in the rules of the contest. Why would you keep changing your minds? If there was a flaw in the Contest rules, why not add those rules legally in the next contest, not in this one... as I was never informed we couldn't use palettes.
07/07/2013 8:46 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
The decision was made by the_soup who is the manager of this contest - I simply carried it out since you were in a finalist position and only Super Mods can DQ finalists.

My opinion on this matter is that it's a bit unfair to have somebody help you through making a contest skin. The idea behind the contest is -your- contribution, not what somebody else helps you make to be your contribution.

07/22/2013 6:15 am
Level 27 : Expert Blockhead
MelonCraftPvP's Avatar
Not to be rude. But KnobleKnives, or anyone for that matter, doesn't own a colour (Australian spelling). Personally i feel he is unfairly disqualified. That is just my opinion though.
07/22/2013 3:11 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
It's not just about the palette, it's about the skin itself. You'd have to compare the two to see what I mean.
07/23/2013 8:38 am
Level 38 : Artisan Droid
PixelPause's Avatar
I understand that I used someone else's palette, but now you are saying I have to compare the two skins? Is there something I haven't been told?
07/07/2013 9:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Droid
PixelPause's Avatar
I understand that... but it would have been a little better if you had included that in the description of your contests. I still don't think it is fair, since I was not informed of this.

Anyway, it's over now... not really happy with the outcome, but would like this not to happen to other users.
07/18/2013 9:30 am
Level 70 : Legendary Skinner
Teddy's Avatar
Out of curiosity, did you ask KnobleKnives whether you could use his palette?
07/18/2013 9:50 am
Level 38 : Artisan Droid
PixelPause's Avatar
Yes I did. I talked about this to Camo7 as he was as curious as you, and showed him our full conversation. KnobleKnives agreed for me to use his palette, and even made a few extra colours for me to use.
07/17/2013 4:10 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pegasus
Mark3942's Avatar
i am not satisfied either! I got 22 more diamonds than on the previous contest skin and it was for me the best i made and i somehow expected i will be at least in the first 10 but i am on the same place as i have been on the arctic contest. If you want you can check both my skins and say if it is fair, for me it is not as nothing this days!
07/18/2013 9:29 am
Level 70 : Legendary Skinner
Teddy's Avatar
Diamonds do not affect where the skin places in the finals. It is the judges votes and scores that affect the placing.

I like your skins, and I'm rather disappointed that you think it's unfair.
07/17/2013 8:59 am
Level 43 : Master Pirate
toad3's Avatar
I feel your pain :(
