Waffen ϟϟ Untescharrführer, Eastern Front, 1943 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Waffen ϟϟ Untescharrführer, Eastern Front, 1943

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Kilo Bravo's Avatar Kilo Bravo
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
So, here's the latest skin I made. I unfortunately haven't been able to make skins lately as, in addition to running out of steam a bit, my computer restarted and uninstalled all my programs, so that was fun.

This is an ϟϟ Unterscharführer on the Eastern Front, 1943. There may be a few errors here and there as I had to do completely without paint.net as to install it i need to do another update, and i don't trust this computer anymore. If anyone wants to fix and reupload it that is fine by my, if anything I welcome it. A long as you credit me.

EDIT : There is an error, the shading on one of the legs is messed up, should be a simple fix for anyone willing to take the time to do that. If you do fix it PM it to me right away and I will update this skin.

EDIT THE SECOND : It appears the arm is ALSO messed up. again please fix this if you can.

EDIT THE THIRD : I will be making a second version of this skin with a different shading scheme to see if it fixes the issue.

EDIT THE FOURTH : I fixed the problem

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06/08/2017 5:02 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Is a realistic skin...The shading is optimal,your best!
06/08/2017 2:44 am
Level 42 : Master System
Mikufan06's Avatar
i think this is awesome history themed skin it would look good on a ww2 themed minecraft map
