Warhammer Fantasy: The Questing Knight of Bretonnia Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Warhammer Fantasy: The Questing Knight of Bretonnia

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MonchTheBiscuit's Avatar MonchTheBiscuit
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Geek
"I set down my lance, symbol of the duty...I spurn those whom I love, I relinquish all, and take up the tools of my quest...No obstacle shall stand before me...No plea for help shall find me wanting....No moon will look upon me twice lest I be judged idle...I will give my body, heart and soul to the Lady whom I seek..."—The Questing Vow[1a]

A Questing Knight is a former Knight of Bretonnia who has taken up the Questing Vow and now seeks the blessings of the Lady of the Lake, in the hopes of becoming accepted into the ranks of the legendary Grail Knights. Since the days of Gilles le Breton, the Grail has since been the ultimate symbol of Bretonnian chivalry, and the ultimate goal of any true Knight is to drink from its holy waters and be accepted as the holy guardians of the Lady herself.[1b]

Such a declaration for such a arduous task should not be taken lightly, for only the most ambitious or perhaps the most desperate of Knights would've taken this quest upon himself, either for the honor of serving the Lady, or as a means to forgive pass sins.[1b]

Warhammer Fantasy: The Questing Knight of Bretonnia Minecraft Skin

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