Werner, the Old Hunter Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Werner, the Old Hunter

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MasterOfSpasms's Avatar MasterOfSpasms
Level 39 : Artisan Ranger
"Excuse me, mate?" Kaz snapped his fingers, trying to draw the attention of the old hunter. Wither another shake, the man, wrapped in pelts shook awake with a yelp.

"Please, please!" The awakened hunter flashed a look of tired surprise to Kaz. "Have mercy on my restless soul!" The older-looking hunter laughed, jumping up to his feet with a slight groan. Kaz shook his head subtly, returning his own surprised gaze.

Ohh, wait! I was- I was just asking for directions, sir!" replied Kaz, taking a step back from the hunter. He stood in silence, observing the weary old coot. The hunter towered above Kaz, standing at at least an even six feet. He was toned in body and spirit, hair grey from age, the hunter's eyes further reflecting his wealth of experience.

"Direction, eh? Bah!" The hunter facepalmed, throwing his arms out in defeat and cluelessness. "I must apologize, young friend! I'm as clueless a wander as you!" Kaz couldn't help but smirk.

"Hmm, ah. perhaps. Though perhaps you might be able to point me in the direction of the Enchantry?" Kaz's hopeful impression turned to one of disappointment as the hunter before him rubbed the back of his own neck, exhaling through clenched teeth.

"I'm... sorry, again!" the hunter exclaimed, laughing hesitantly. "You have me beat once again, young sir!" Once more, Kaz averted his gaze, scratching his chin in thought before looking the hunter in the eyes.

"Ah, pity. Sorry to wake you, si-... Sir... your name, please?" The old hunter returned Kaz's question with an empty look to his eyes.

"Ingram, Werner." Werner forced himself to smile for the traveller, laughing under his breath. "I must wish you the best of luck in finding your way- godspeed, friend!"

"Thank you, sir!" Kaz yelled, turning his back to Werner as he ran along the beaten path.

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