Zombie Apocalypse Survivor Team (Skin Series): The Archer Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor Team (Skin Series): The Archer

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SymplyJelly_'s Avatar SymplyJelly_
Level 44 : Master Fox
The Apocalypse has Started, You are one of the few survivors that you know of.
You do it ALL to survive, the Lone Warrior, the Silent Death.

On the Year 2021, a disease that evolved from Ebola arose, started as a cancer-like symptoms, then upon death, it re-activates the cortex of the Brain, allowing movements only. All you know is that 87% of the population is Gone. You live to Fight, and Fight to Live.

You are The Last of Us.

The Archer, along with The Silent are the 2 survivors that would do Fine alone, being that they where raised by Hunters and know their way around the Forests of North America, know how to hunt and What to Hunt.
This one is Different from the Silent, as he Doesn't kill his victims, he Maims them. Do not get on this Guy's nerve!

The Idea base:
CreditZombie Apocalypse Ebola Virus The Walkers Rick El000n

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07/16/2013 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
goodcake99's Avatar
awesome! love it!!!! <3<3<3!!! *diamond*<3!!! thx bro!!! :D
