Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

[16x] The New: iModify V1.4 For MC Version 1.9

  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Terrain
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Level 29 : Expert Mountaineer
Hello there good sir! Do you find yourself using the default texture because other texture packs have too much change? Well search no further my friend, iModify is here to help!

iModify, a texture pack made (and still in the making) which revolves around the default look of minecraft. The aim of this pack is to give minecraft a little spuzazz without changing things to the point where you cant recognize them! Think of it as an HD version of minecraft, meanwhile no need to download any mcpatcher! Because this pack is all 16x16 pixels. Amazing Quality! Woah!

This is version 1.4 of my first texture pack. So please, by all means, if you like it thumbs up! If you don't, go ahead rate it down, but please comment with what you don't like, what could use improvements. The pack will only get better off of your feedback!

Additional Notes

Some textures have been modified, most have been completely remade such as stone, cobble, etc. Cows have been redone, and zombies have been modified to have a much more gory appearance.

Planned: (Based mostly off of your feedback!)
Re-texture glow to have a natural appearance that can also have a lamp appearance.
Completely re-texture brick from scratch.
Try and come up with realistic and unique leafs
Fix sugar cane color
Make resources look nicer. (They seem sloppy to me)
Turn wolfs into huskies, and maybe turn pigs into boar.
Re-design armor. Gold armor will be a kings outfit with a crown!!
Eventually make custom icons.
Maybe custom art?
[You Tell Me What You Want Here]
[You Tell Me What You Want Here]
[You Tell Me What You Want Here]
[You Tell Me What You Want Here]

Again. Please by all means, if you like it thumbs up! If you don't, go ahead rate it down, but please comment with what you don't like, what could use improvements. The pack will only get better off of your feedback!
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9 beta

1 Update Logs

Update 1.42 : by TinxE 09/14/2011 9:38:59 pmSep 14th, 2011

Grass slightly lighter and given slight detail.
TNT is now a wooden barrel!
Cobble stone, Mossy etc, have been re-shaded.
Glass has a super slight reflection.
Grass, Snow and Dirt blocks have been given a sort of pebbley appearance.
Levers slightly modified.

EDIT: Lightened TNT barrel because it was way to dark. Also Changed white flower, is now an orange flower due to the fact 3 people asked for orange :) Do you guys still want the purple?

Edit: Added new gui.

What should I change/Improve next? Comment!

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11/25/2011 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
11/23/2011 1:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Make this texture 1.0.0 please
11/19/2011 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you please make a like latern type glowstone? I hate the rocky look of glowstone. Other then that im DEF using this Text pack.

Also what does sandstone look like? I like a bricky type sandstone :)
11/16/2011 9:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Update the title screen. I like a good presentation before playing a game, know what I mean?
10/18/2011 6:23 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Blacksmith
I was wondering if you could make the grass longer on the grass blocks.
10/13/2011 11:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
OVER 9,000 VIEWS!!!
10/02/2011 2:12 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mountaineer
The pack is now for 1.9. I wont be doing any major updating for a while since school started. Message me if you would like to edit the pack from here. I of course would want credit.
09/27/2011 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Thnx soooooooooooooooooo Much i Was looking for days for a taxture pack like this.......... Im bored of the default but i still love the resolution so i went looking and they were all way to over......... how should i put this?........... textured............ then i found this :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
09/25/2011 10:20 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Blacksmith
Are you making a 1.9 version?
09/28/2011 12:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mountaineer
Yes a 1.9 version will be released sometime before the 1.9 update.
