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  • check_circle Items
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CrazyRandomzZ's Avatar CrazyRandomzZ
Level 43 : Master Geek

NOW 1.4.2 Compatible - still need your help with mobs and paintings


new ores texture
new doors texture
new crafting table texture
new brick texture
new lapaz block texture
new diamond/gold/iron block texture
new glow stone texture
new repeater texture
new stone slab texture
new redstone texture (no longer barbed wire, is now dotted line)

there are a few other things changed but i cant this of them at the moment :)

anyone willing to help will be credited in this post and in the pack file

above is a video of the pack in action on a hunger games server with me and thepyonicfieldtrip

This is DYEDAYs H.D texture pack made by me CrazyRandomzZ

Video done by ThePyonicFieldtrip Sub him for more amazing content
the glass in the video has changes so take no notice of glass in video, check last images for how it now looks

i have done a few more changes, glass changed, door changed, glowstone/lamps changed. added some items, added sun/moon, added rain/snow, added background images for menu, changed a few stray pixels, and a few minor changes, done most items

changed custom icons for the pack, they did not fit so these are now more original :)

added a few gui changes, now has a cool green look to it

if your wondering about the name, its random

this texture pack is simple bright texture pack.
vibrant colors is what truly bring this pack to life.

there is still a lot of work to be done on this back, this is were you come in, i am USELESS at making mobs, so i need your help, i need people to make some mobs textures at 64x to finish of this pack

i am currently working on the gui and some other small things to bring this pack to its full potential

what has been done and what needs to be done:

Terrain.png 90%
items.png 75%
gui 60%
mobs 0%
items folder 90%
art 0%
environment 60%
menu 100%
splash 0%
misc 10%

if anybody wants to help, then please pm or comment bellow your help is needed and helpful,

please if you like it, show it some love, hit the Favorite and please drop a diamond if you think this pack is worthy



Thank you every one for the support and finally making in on the reel, soo big thank you :)
Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4.6

19 Update Logs

Update #19 : by CrazyRandomzZ 12/31/2012 1:50:36 amDec 31st, 2012

Updated to work on 1.4.6 and some new textures for items and terrain images ENJOY :)

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11/29/2012 12:07 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Vampire
UnoWild's Avatar
Nice work so far cleaning up old tiles. Keep it up. 8-)

*I removed my old comments*
11/29/2012 4:03 pm
Level 43 : Master Geek
CrazyRandomzZ's Avatar
thank you good sir :)
11/16/2012 12:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
SilentAssassinX's Avatar
You should give credit for taking some textures from Faithful 32x and Soartex...
11/25/2012 6:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Vampire
UnoWild's Avatar
That's so true
11/17/2012 9:03 am
Level 43 : Master Geek
CrazyRandomzZ's Avatar
like what. i didn't take anything from any of them :s i used sortex as a template and sorter is the pack that i like the most so i get a lot of inspiration from it but i made this 100% line them up you will see they are completely different
11/08/2012 8:47 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragon
ArmoreDragon's Avatar
11/08/2012 8:38 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Toast
BluePlus's Avatar
I could do mobs, Ive been looking for a big project :)
11/09/2012 4:05 pm
Level 43 : Master Geek
CrazyRandomzZ's Avatar
you are more so welcome to, all credits will go to you and i will put a link to your profile, the resolution does not matter but it has to be higher than 32x32 packs, thank you thank you, and you dont have to do them all at once one at a time and let me know, i will sub you to keep an eye on how you are doing :)
11/09/2012 6:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Toast
BluePlus's Avatar
ok :D
10/26/2012 9:12 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
KareokeDokeyMan's Avatar
i volunteer to do the Zombie texture if its not already done, i love doing the zombies.
