- check_circle Armor
- check_circle Art
- check_circle Environment
- check_circle Font
- check_circle GUI
- check_circle Items
- check_circle Misc
- check_circle Particles
- check_circle Terrain
- check_circle Models
Published Oct 9th, 2021, 10/9/21 12:45 am
- 71,268 views, 23 today
- 33,294 downloads, 12 today
Akashiro - 16x
One of the free monthly texturepack ''commissions'' i do
Requested by - V𝙹↸ꖌᔑ
Main Requests
- red and black
- dark inventory gui
- retextured wool
- short swords
- retextured gapples
- armor retexture
- any custom sky
- brighter colors
- wood retexture
- smaller cursor
(also yes name is red and white ik but lmao anyyyywayyyyyy......)
Youtube video coming soon!
One of the free monthly texturepack ''commissions'' i do
Requested by - V𝙹↸ꖌᔑ
Main Requests
- red and black
- dark inventory gui
- retextured wool
- short swords
- retextured gapples
- armor retexture
- any custom sky
- brighter colors
- wood retexture
- smaller cursor
(also yes name is red and white ik but lmao anyyyywayyyyyy......)
Youtube video coming soon!
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.8.9 |
Resolution | 16x |
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I might do a remaster (and recolor to purple) since this is my most popular pack- somehow xD
first off i would like to say sorry for not asking you for permission on my latest pack i made for the bow texture, because i was just mindlessly recoloring and editing my old pack (when i actually got permission that time). if you want to i can probably update my pack to get it removed and change the bow texture.
also i am here to apologies (like i did) and ask if i can use the bow texture (again), this time i will recolor it a lot and also give you credit like last time.