Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

Castle Crashers Texture Pack

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    Tf2Minecraftlover's Avatar Tf2Minecraftlover
    Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
    IT'S DONE!!!!

    I don't have some pictures of it but i can say some of it:
    If you don't have a skin you will look like the grey knight
    The diamond armor makes you look like the blue knight
    The gold armor makes you look like the orange knight
    The iron armor makes you look like the red knight
    The cloth armor makes you look like the Green knight
    The chain armor makes you look like the pink knight

    The enderman looks like the ice king boss
    the ghast and the creeper looks like the troll
    the skeleton looks like the thief
    The zombie like the barbarian

    Anyway hope you like it! Anyway other than that i might update this like once a week so be sure to check sometime.
    Progress100% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft 1.8 beta

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    12/08/2012 1:58 pm
    Level 26 : Expert Pokémon
    Criof8's Avatar
    You should check out MY Castle Crashers texture pack. It's only 5% done, but it's turning out well! Good luck on yours!
    11/25/2011 7:37 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    vastcoolio234's Avatar
    Eh. Keep workin' on it.
    11/26/2011 2:39 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
    Tf2Minecraftlover's Avatar
    it's not 100 % done i just let it be like that till i fix some stuff
    09/25/2012 7:20 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
    1337royalcrafter's Avatar
    You need to update it, and in my opinion:The Enderman is a Lava Demon with a flagThe enderdragon is the Lava Dragon with the sock puppet.the Ghast should be a troll still.Creeper should be one of the things in the desert.Spider should be ScorpionWither (Future Update) should be Medusa.Wither Skeleton (Future Update) should be a Medusa Fish.the skeleton looks like the thief (That's good)The zombie like the barbarian (Good)Pigman should be a Polar BearGold sword should be a baseball batStone sword should be a spearDiamond Sword should be Sorcerers Fire Sword thing.Wood sword should be a level 1 axeIron sword should be a Thief's sword.Slime should be one of them grey slimes.Blaze should be a beeLava Cube should be a troll That's enough :P
    Sorry for bad spacing, it doesn't work with Enter.
    09/27/2012 9:18 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
    Tf2Minecraftlover's Avatar
    thanks for the help :) i'll try to make it better.
