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Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
I'll try to keep this brief, if you want to see more, you can download the pack or check out the Minecraft Forum post.

This texture pack is actually a combination of my best work. I have made many texture packs, and I am specific to 64x64 packs, but I rarely release them, so with several packs of one resolution with some good but scattered textures, I meshed them together in one good looking pack I have named, due to it's being very defined and timeless, The Definitance Pack.

If you want to support me, the mirror download has no pop-up ads, but will help me out! It is also updated more frequently.

"Wow! 1K downloads! Thanks for all the support!
Progress75% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.2

18 Update Logs

Update #18 : by corner_g 10/12/2013 5:31:31 pmOct 12th, 2013


Lots of stuff, including:
- Hay (top/bottom, side)
- Packed Ice
- Quartz Pillar (top/bottom, side)
- Quartz Block (top/bottom, side)
- Melon (Thanks Alvoria! <- credit for melon!)
- Podzol (top, side)
- Saplings (all)

And more!

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03/20/2013 11:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
man, this is an awesome texture pack! so far, the only small complaints i have are that the grass texture goes down too far for my taste and that the texture for the chests is off. For the chests, when you only have one chest down, it shows a trapped chest normally and a regular chest with a crate like thing around it. This goes away once you make them into double chests, but i thought that you may want to know about that. Anyways, thanks for making this awesome texture pack and i'll definitely be keeping you updated if i find any other issues.

The diamond ore texture is missing as well. The block is white and says "missing texture"
03/22/2013 7:48 pm
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Er, oops. The current version is rather buggy. I did take a little break from this pack in particular, to spread my time across my other 5 released texture packs (not all here), and it was kind-of a jarring task, trying to come back and match this style, and update the pack to 1.5.1 from 1.4.0. The chest is like that because I started it, obviously, as textures aren't quick things to make by anyone or by any stretch of the imagination, I didn't finish it and intended to go back to it, but that was when I took my only vaguely anticipated break. When I updated to 1.5, I overlooked it, and forgot it was still in progress. So All is functioning properly, but I just haven't done those textures yet.

The diamond is there, but it requires a .txt file that I forgot to add. In 1.5, animations are supported by default, but in the new way, a .txt file defining the delay between each frame is necessary, otherwise a white block with "missing texture" written on it will show up instead, even if an animation strip is present.

I will fix the diamond ore now, but I will need time to finish the chests. Quality textures take time, and the chest is difficult due to it's flat-mapping and number of textures, so I will have it done soon, but not now.

I am very glad to hear that you like the pack though!
11/14/2012 4:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
10/29/2012 3:14 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
thanks man!!!
10/25/2012 11:25 am
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
OK, I fixed the download. Sorry for the inconvenience.
10/25/2012 7:40 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
cant download
10/25/2012 11:20 am
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Well... damn... I can't find out what's wrong. I rezipped the files, uploaded them, and the "page is missing" as if it were a page. I'll keep working on it, but I can't say how long it will be down. It may not be on my side.
10/17/2012 9:35 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
I'm really sorry about that. I am making a pack too. It would be quite a not good thing if I had found it wasn't original.
10/18/2012 8:39 pm
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Yeah, a lot of effort can look like very little effort to some people if there is a very similar pack released already. It sucks when that happens...
10/21/2012 8:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Mage
I found one called inkwell, but it's not horror themed. *whew*
