Minecraft Texture Packs / PvP Packs

"Devil" PvP Resource Pack - Release! [1.7.2./1.7.4.]

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    SimonMC's Avatar SimonMC
    Level 44 : Master Elf
    Hey there, friends.

    Simon here, bringing you another PvP based Resource pack. This pack is themed around "Red" colours, not actually the Devil. It's a PvP pack to use when PvP'ing. I've edited most of the PvP related items. I will warn you, these packs aren't meant to be pretty, with beautiful flowers and textures etc. This pack is PVP based. It's the particles, swords, mushroom stew for soup PvP items that are edited. I've asked my friend, "GoatSniffer" (His Minecraft user) If I was allowed to use his custom blocks to make my Pack a little more player friendly, and he said yes. Also, if a Moderator needs proof, just message me I'll be sure to oblige.


    -Custom Swords.
    -Custom GUI
    -Custom Enderpearls
    -Custom Mushroom Stew (Soup PvP)
    -Custom Hotbar
    -Custom Widgets
    -Custom Inventory
    -Custom made potion bottle. (Drinkable and Empty)
    -Low fire particles for PvP
    -Custom Sharpness and Critical hit particles.
    -Custom texture diamond armour
    -Custom Hearts and Armour Icons!
    -Custom Bow
    -Custom Bow charged phases
    -Custom Bow particles
    -Custom Sky (Optifine is needed)

    To find out about the rest of the pack, download the pack today! Thank you all. Here's a video of me demonstrating the pack on a server, and beating him.

    CreditI'd like to thank GoatSniffer for allowing me to use his blocks check him out
    Progress100% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

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    05/12/2014 10:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    serdie01's Avatar
    I have winrar nad it coverted it into a winrar file and it doesent work!!!
    02/11/2014 6:53 am
    Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
    tesla_block's Avatar
    \(^ω^\) Epic ( /^ω^)/
    01/06/2014 12:35 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Dragon
    Lolloidi's Avatar
    armor do armor!
    01/09/2014 1:35 pm
    Level 44 : Master Elf
    SimonMC's Avatar
    Will do. Making a new pack atm.
    01/01/2014 10:57 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Dragonborn
    HaylingZar's Avatar
    Lol that video: Laggy+Dat FOV+Dem wallz=Migrane
    01/01/2014 11:18 am
    Level 44 : Master Elf
    SimonMC's Avatar
    Yeah ahah. Sorry about that man. My FPS is bad as it is, I'm getting an upgrade of CPU + RAM soon, so hopefully it'll be better. <3
    01/01/2014 11:24 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Dragonborn
    HaylingZar's Avatar
    Lol cool I just bought a new laptop for me to do gaming videos on too :D Cool pack BTW
