Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

DSWG Weapons 1.13 - 1.19+ v2.10

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
DSWG = Daswaget

This resource pack adds a lot of weapons and ammo. Weapons have a reload animation. To get a new weapon, simply rename the required item (bow, crossbow or other item) on the anvil. You can also hang a gun on the wall by renaming the paper to the name of the firearm. All renaming is inside .zip archive of the resource pack, in the .txt file "weapons_rename".

There is also another version of this resource pack - DSWG Weapons Plus. Every weapon there has 3D models, and sniper rifles have working scopes!

Commands for creating fireworks have been added, which are needed to create some ammo
Commands for getting fireworks - https://www.patreon.com/posts/commands-for-61754174

(This txt file is inside the zip archive of the resource pack)

List of all items in the Full version:
Guns: AK-47, AK-74, AS Val, AUG, Beretta-92, C-96, Colt-1911, Desert Eagle, DP-28, FAMAS, Glock-17 (6 variations), HK-416, Kord, KRISS Vector, M4A4 (2 variations), M-16, M-134 Minigun, M-249, Mac-10 (4 variations), Makarov pistol, MP-5, MP-40, P-90, PP-19 Bizon, PPSH (2 variations), RPK, SCAR, Scorpion, STEN, Thompson (2 variations), Uzi, XM-8 (2 variations), AA-12, Anaconda, Barrett, Bazooka, DT SRS, DVL-10, Flintlock pistol, GM-94, IZH-18 (2 variations), JM Standard, Kar98k (3 variations), L-96, M-1 Garand, M-14, M-79, M-202, M-1014, M-1897, Mk-14 EBR, Mosin Nagant (3 variations), Musket (2 variations), QLB-06 (2 variations), RG-6, RPG-7, SPAS-12, SVD, Taser 7CQ, Taser Pulse, VSS, WA-2000, Winchester

Melee weapons: Baseball bat (2 variations), Baseball bat with nails (2 variations), Metal baseball bat, Billiard cue, Bo staff (3 variations), Broom (2 variations), Bouquet of flowers, Cane, Paddle, Double paddle, Dadao, Dagger, Rolling pin, Saber, Sai, Wooden sharp stick (9 variations), Wooden stake (9 variations), Spear (3 variations), Sweeping brush, Bottle, Broken bottle, Bayonet, Brass knuckles, Golden brass knuckles, Cleaver, Crowbar, Golf club, Gladius, Hammer, Hockey stick, Wooden hockey stick, Katana, Khopesh (2 variations), Knife, Kopis, Kukri, Kunai (2 variations), Longsword (6 variations), Hunting knife, Kitchen knife, Mace, Machete, Naginata, Pipe, Curved pipe, Pipe wrench, Pitchfork, Rapier, Police baton, Tonfa, Screwdriver, Scythe, Sickle, Sledgehammer, Wrench, War hammer (2 variations), Chainsaw, Fire Axe, Halberd, Labrys, Tomahawk (3 variations)

Grenades: F-1, RGD-5, Stielhandgranate, Molotov

Other: Nail, Scope, Silencer, Wall stand for weapons

And a lot of bullets

(Demo version adds less than half of the things that are in the resource pack)

Renaming (Demo version):

- Almost names with numbers can be written in different ways. For example: AK-47, AK 47, AK47
- Alternative names of weapons are indicated in parentheses

Bow: AK-47 ( Kalashnikov-47 ; Kalashnikov ) ; Desert Eagle ; FAMAS ; Glock-17 ( Glock ) ; Glock-17 33rds ( Glock 33rds ) ; Silenced Glock-17 ( Silenced Glock ) ; Silenced Glock-17 33rds ( Silenced Glock 33rds ) ; M4A4 ; Silenced M4A4 ; M-134 ( M-134 Minigun ; Minigun ) ; MP-5 ; SCAR ( FN SCAR ) ; Thompson ( M-1928 ; Tommy-Gun ; Tommy Gun ) ; Uzi

Crossbow: Anaconda ; Kar98k ( Mauser 98k ; Karabiner 98k ) ; Kar98k with bayonet ( Mauser 98k with bayonet ; Karabiner 98k with bayonet ) ; Kar98k with scope ( Mauser 98k with scope ; Karabiner 98k with scope ) ; L-96 ( L-96A1 ; L-96 A1 ; AWP ; AWM ) ; M-14 ; M-1897 ; RPG-7 ; SPAS-12 ; Taser Pulse ( Taser ; Pulse ) ; Winchester

Arrow: Bullet ( Bullets ) ; Black bullet ( Black bullets ) ; Pistol bullet ( Pistol bullets ) ; Pistol black bullet ( Pistol black bullets )

Spectral arrow: Spectral bullet ( Spectral bullets ) ; Black spectral bullet ( Black spectral bullets ) ; Pistol spectral bullet ( Pistol spectral bullets ) ; Pistol black spectral bullet ( Pistol black spectral bullets )

Tipped arrow: Chemical bullet ( Chemical bullets ) ; Black chemical bullet ( Black chemical bullets ) ; Pistol chemical bullet ( Pistol chemical bullets ) ; Pistol black chemical bullet ( Pistol black chemical bullets )

Firework rocket: 12cal ; 762mm ; PG-7VL ( PG 7VL ; PG7VL )

Sword (Wooden): Baseball bat ; Baseball bat with nails ; Bouquet of flowers ; Broom ; Cane ; Longsword ; Oak sharp stick ( Wooden sharp stick ) ; Oak stake ( Wooden stake )

Sword (Stone): Baseball bat ; Baseball bat with nails ; Bottle ; Broken bottle ; Bouquet of flowers ; Broom ; Cane ; Longsword ; Paddle ; Double paddle ; Oak sharp stick ( Wooden sharp stick ) ; Stone spear ; Oak stake ( Wooden stake )

Sword (Golden, Iron, Diamond, Netherite): Baseball bat ; Baseball bat with nails ; Metal baseball bat ; Bayonet ; Bottle ; Broken bottle ; Bouquet of flowers ; Brass knuckles ; Broom ; Cane ; Crowbar ; Gladius ; Golf club ; Hammer ; Hockey stick ; Katana ; Kitchen knife ; Knife ( Combat knife ) ; Kunai ; Longsword ; Machete ; Pitchfork ; Rapier ; Sai ; Oak sharp stick ( Wooden sharp stick ) ; Sickle ; Sledgehammer ; Spear ; Stone spear ; Police baton ; Oak stake ( Wooden stake ) ; Wrench

Axe (Golden, Iron, Diamond, Netherite): Fire Axe ; Halberd ; Labrys ; Tomahawk

Splash potion: RGD-5

Lingering potion: Molotov

Iron nugget: Nail

Iron ingot: Scope ; Silencer

Paper: Empty ; AK-47 ( Kalashnikov-47 ; Kalashnikov ) ; Desert Eagle ; FAMAS ; Glock-17 ( Glock ) ; Glock-17 33rds ( Glock 33rds ) ; Silenced Glock-17 ( Silenced Glock ) ; Silenced Glock-17 33rds ( Silenced Glock 33rds ) ; M4A4 ; Silenced M4A4 ; M-134 ( M-134 Minigun ; Minigun ) ; MP-5 ; SCAR ( FN SCAR ) ; Thompson ( M-1928 ; Tommy-Gun ; Tommy Gun ) ; Uzi ; Anaconda ; Kar98k ( Mauser 98k ; Karabiner 98k ) ; Kar98k with bayonet ( Mauser 98k with bayonet ; Karabiner 98k with bayonet ) ; Kar98k with scope ( Mauser 98k with scope ; Karabiner 98k with scope ) ; L-96 ( L-96A1 ; L-96 A1 ; AWP ; AWM ) ; M-14 ; M-1897 ; RPG-7 ; Loaded RPG-7 ( RPG-7 loaded ) ; SPAS-12 ; Taser Pulse ( Taser ; Pulse ) ; Winchester

You will help me a lot if you buy the full version of the resource pack!

You can also help me by giving me an idea for new weapons or resource packs!

1.13+ For Optifine

My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/daswaget
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19

23 Update Logs

v2.10 Melee weapons (part 2) : by Daswaget 10/06/2022 7:57:13 amOct 6th, 2022

- Added new melee weapons: Bo staff, Bamboo bo staff, Metal bo staff, Broom, Witch's broom, Dadao, Dagger, Gladius, Khopesh, Bronze khopesh, Kopis, Kukri, Kunai, Red kunai, Longsword (6 variations), Mace, Naginata, Rapier, Saber, Sai, Spear, Stone spear, Spartan spear, Sweeping brush, Tonfa, War hammer, Heavy war hammer, Labrys, Halberd, Indian tomahawk

- Golden swords and axes can now also be renamed.

- Reduced length of Machete.

- Some models have been changed


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05/26/2023 2:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
how to i download adfoc?
05/26/2023 5:09 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
On the adfoc site, click on the "Skip" button in the upper right corner and you will be redirected to the download page
11/08/2022 2:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
can you make this for free pleas?
Re-Created Studios
10/06/2022 9:08 am
Level 43 : Master Magical Boy
Can you making Gun Addon For Minecraft Bedrock?
10/06/2022 11:58 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sorry, but I don't know how to make resource packs for Bedrock Edition
Re-Created Studios
10/06/2022 8:07 pm
Level 43 : Master Magical Boy
Oh Ok.
07/19/2022 1:15 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Is this for java or for bedrock, I'm just asking thx
07/19/2022 5:50 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
For Java
04/13/2022 4:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Modder
Now the only service for Russians, this is Russian language support..
04/13/2022 4:55 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
I just speak Russian. This update will make the game more convenient
