Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

RESOURCE PACK [1.7.2] All you need is dwarves!

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 18,688 views, 1 today
  • 3,434 downloads, 0 today
  • 21
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  • 25
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
NOTE: These files have been converted to the new Resource Packs for the current version of minecraft [1.7.2]. I have not been on since the major changes and just got back to it today, enjoy!

This has been an ongoing project of mine that I didn't want to release until I was pretty happy with it. I got into dwarf fortress and really felt that I should make a dwarven themed texture pack for minecraft. It's far from perfect but this is a living project that I would like to update with feedback from you. Please enjoy and submit feedback so I can use it to improve the game. If you like battle axes, killing orcs and goblins, and mining gems this is the pack for you!
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by BassPlayerr8P 11/17/2013 9:38:06 amNov 17th, 2013

I have gone through and replaced any missing blocks and images with the defaults, so now everything should be functioning as expected, enjoy!

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11/15/2013 8:39 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Just updated to be a resource pack. I see that some objects do not appear to have any texture, so I will update this and resave shortly.
05/23/2012 8:22 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Hey all, sorry I have been absent for a while. I plan on giving you what you want in the next day or two. I have come across a period of time off so I can fix it up.
03/10/2012 10:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
are you going to update it so the new jungle blocks and items look good to? :D nice texture pack btw! good job :)
11/15/2011 8:34 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
I really love it, but in minecraft I actally use axes as weapons instead of swords. Could you make a version where you switch the swords and axes so that swords look like small axes and axes looks like battleaxes? Thx
11/08/2011 6:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I lve this texture pack so much, I had it in 1.7 :D
09/18/2011 1:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Robot
Looks realy cool :D

can't wait to try out!
09/17/2011 7:38 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
I failed you guys and want to update you now, I was testing this morning and found a bunch of terrain was missing from the pack :(. But I just updated and submitted the fix so if download the current version after this post it will be correct. Sorry for any inconvenience, go to town! Provide feedback and I can make this better, anything is good feedback!
09/16/2011 8:54 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragonborn
That's just what I was looking for. I can't believe there aren't more Dwarven themed texturepacks. Thank you for this texturepack, and cheers to finish it :)
09/16/2011 6:20 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Updated for 1.8 release, re-download to update and experience the new content, cheers!
09/16/2011 6:19 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Updated to 1.8 so redownloading should allow you to play the new content. Anything that was added through 1.8 will now show up using this texture pack, will update those to new graphics soon but wanted to allow you guys to keep playing using this pack. Please provide feedback and suggestions so I can keep making this awesome. (going to try and replace cake with beer, more soon!)
