Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

EarthCraft (earthbound texture pack)

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 23,903 views, 1 today
  • 3,960 downloads, 0 today
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Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Really close to done...

To do:

1. Mobs (redo):
Skeletons:It doesn't make sense for a skeleton to have a ray gun. So I want to change them.(open to suggestions)
Zombies: Zombies need more details/shading (might redo from scratch)
Creeper: May change it open to ideas, I feel like alot of people dont recognize it.
Snowman: Needs to be redone but with a filter.
Ghast: Could have put in more detail when I first made it, also needs a filter.
Spiders: They are already on their 3rd revison so they may stay the way they are.
Pigs:Needs more detail
Enderchest: I can't remember if I changed this (I meant to)
Cows: Need redone from scratch
Sheep: Never did them (super lazy)
Boat: May add more details
Enchanting table:
Blaze: Needs swirling fire not particles.
Enderman: Should probably be one of the starmen, the 'shark' version looks pretty sweet though.

I need to see if they have made a vanilla way to add several different versions of mobs (specifically NPCs) if they did I would add versions of every NPC from Mother/Earthbound.

2. HUD
Use different colors for afflictions instead of weird symbols.
Change rolling number texture.

3. GUI
Add EB related art/symbols for the GUI icons.

4: Blocks
Need to find textures for the remaining blocks.

5. Items
Need to find/make texture for remaining items.

6. Start screen logo/background
Recently made it look like the EB title screen just need to get it closer or else make it look like the mother 3 logo sceen.

7. Sounds
Sounds need balancing however it is a tedious endeavour.

8. Armor: All armor besides the "Masked Man" outfit needs to be redone/made.

9. Anything you would like to see? Let me know.
Creditwww.starmen.net, http://www.spriters-resource.com, Orion X
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by the_crayon_king 02/03/2015 2:25:42 pmFeb 3rd, 2015

Added gold starman. Not alot of gold themed EB stuff to choose from ;)
Changed pumpkin helmet blur spacing so it would be useable.
Changed enchanting table.
Other things probably.

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06/13/2019 7:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
this isn't here anymore
07/14/2015 10:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
I would love to see the running mushrooms as a replacement to just normal mushroom textures!
07/17/2015 8:38 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Yes that would be funny. I will do that for whatever mushroom doesnt go on top of mooshrooms (the cows).
06/03/2015 1:07 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Robot

It's good.
05/28/2015 7:21 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
Maybe try adding some more Mother 3 textures, there arent enough Mother 3 texture packs out there, and this one could be a good combo of Earthbound and Mother 3! :D (P.S. This is not a complaint, this is just a suggestion, this pack is awesome! :D)
06/21/2015 6:08 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
The reason there arent alot of mother 3 textures is because mother 3 uses a ton of solid colors. Pretty much everything that could be made into a texture from mother 3 was used; then I started pouring over the smash bros textures to fill in the gaps. The only untapped resource I haven't used so far is a few smash bros stages.
05/24/2015 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I think that you should but the title screen as onnet or ness with his peace sign it feels like more "earthboundish look" and more detailed than the blue and green screen  JUST A OPINION
06/21/2015 6:06 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Can't be done the title screen applies a blur that makes anything behind it fuzzy. Also its a cube shape that pans around. A still image wouldn't work unless it was 4 still images that mimic a 3d scene. Does that make sense ? I could probably pan around in smash bros and take 4 pics of the onnet stahe maybe.
02/23/2015 10:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there any music to this resource pack?
03/02/2015 6:39 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Its got all the music I could reasonably fit into it. Music from smash bros, EB, Mother 3. All the songs have been replaced.
