Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

HD Minecraft Font - 64x - Default style!

  • check_circle Font
  • 64,507 views, 7 today
  • 13,632 downloads, 3 today
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Artist
HD Minecraft Font
Minecrafts font, upgraded.

Please patch Minecraft with MCPatcher before installing this pack.

I've noticed a few requests for Minecrafts default font converted to HD, without losing the style of the original. That said, here are two HD font's for 32x and 64x packs.

These fonts were originally created for the Defscape packs, but due to increased interest, I've made them available to everyone else.

Feel free to use these if you'd like your Minecrafts font to be upgraded to HD, or if you're a texture packer looking for a 32x or 64x default style Minecraft font for your pack.

If you use this font in your texture pack, please remember to credit properly and link back to this article. In return, all packs using these fonts will be listed here.


Additional Notes

Please note: The 64x and 32x HD Minecraft nfonts are best displayed with a monitor resoution matching or higher nthan 1080x1920. This garauntees the best experience. Anything lower thann this and the fonts may appear slightly distorted/jagged.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.1

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06/07/2019 12:33 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Modder
Can I add this to a Resource Pack that I'm making? I don't feel like editing the image files of the text. (It also would be hard for me on account that there are 226 image files that include the default text and Unicode text.)
06/07/2019 12:39 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Modder
Nevermind, I found the following:
  • Disclaimer
    If you use this font in your texture pack, please remember to credit properly and link back to this article. In return, all packs using these fonts will be listed here.
06/07/2019 12:45 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Modder
Well. I just realized that this is for 1.1, and my pack is for 1.14.2. I'll just do without it.
05/07/2018 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Can I repost a 1.12 compatible version?
05/03/2015 2:14 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
05/07/2013 4:31 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Is this for any minecraft version?
05/10/2013 6:28 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Artist
It will work with all versions of Minecraft (that I know of), yes.
09/11/2012 4:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
so if we use this in a video should we shout out him or the people who actually made the font. sphax bitch
Apprentice Wizard
07/14/2014 7:16 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
you probably made a account just so you could say this, i think it would be the best idea if you could just cut yourself and bleed in a hole and im sure you would make videos to finger yourself to knowing no one would ever watch them because your complete shit
09/17/2012 3:03 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Artist
This is not the Sphax HD font. This is the Defscape HD font which I made entirely from scratch, pixel by pixel. If you're claiming otherwise, I suggest you closely compare the two fonts for differences. Both the Sphax HD font and Misa HD font are much less smooth than the Defscape HD font. As Defscape is a smooth pack, the font is also smooth and curvy. Please do some research before making wildly inaccurate and false claims.
