Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

Hyperest Graphic Pack | v1.0.0 Alpha Release

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    Bedrock Edition
    Hyperest Studios
    Level 64 : High Grandmaster Healer Cat
    Looking for simplistic Graphic pack? well this pack is really simple just add variation, fogs, and greens. This pack is aimed for Warm purple sky just like V.O.G Shader and this is compilation of it. Hope you enjoy it.

    Hyperest Graphic Pack | v1.0.0 Alpha Release Minecraft Texture Pack
    Hyperest Graphic Pack | v1.0.0 Alpha Release Minecraft Texture Pack
    Basic Information

    Hyperest Graphic Pack Specifications :
    • Introduction :

    This Shader compatible with new engine called Render Dragon, this is not a shader, its using FOG techniques.
    • This Shader Compatible with :
    1. Windows
    2. Android
    3. IOS
    4. Xbox
    5. PS
    6. Switch
    • Features/Settings :
    1. Set Brightness in-game to 0 if you cannot see it's okay to set whatever you want.
    2. Polluted Cloud : you can turn this off/on at Minecraft in-game settings Video -> "Render Cloud".
    3. Render Distance draw the FOG! so, the lowest Render Distance the more FOG you can get.
    4. This Shader perfect for chilling, calm, and warm vibe.
    Hyperest Graphic Pack | v1.0.0 Alpha Release Minecraft Texture Pack

    Hyperest Graphic Visual

    • NOTE :

    The apply is simple just like ordinary texture pack you can set it global or your world, enjoy! you don't need to do anything like re-install Minecraft and other, just simply active the pack and you good to go.

    Join our Discord! and submit your ideas!

    Click here for more!

    Visit website for more info about this addon!

    If you are content creator, please use MCPEDL or Planet Minecraft link if you wanna share it, do not relink or use direct download to mediafire! do not upload on another website or application without my permission.

    This is not addon this is just a texture replacement, means you can set it global resources and play it on server as well and don't need to turn on experemental.

    You can modified this pack for yourself only.

    Progress100% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft Bedrock

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    02/13/2025 3:37 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    does it work on patched minecraft for android? it looks good either way
    Hyperest Studios
    02/13/2025 7:36 pm
    He/Him • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Healer Cat
    no patch needed
