Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

S&K Photo Realism (x512, x256, x128, x64) HD

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Level 78 : Legendary Hero
Outstanding Quality!
# 1 Most Popular x512 texture pack on PMC!
- do you want game to be as same as promotion screenshots? Read suggestions below! :)

S&K Photo Realism (x512, x256, x128, x64) HD Minecraft Texture Pack
Love this texture pack? You can help me alot! With your help I can work more, work faster!
Contact us: xstorm77@gmail.com

Very Important: How to use S&K Photo Realism just Compare: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img633/1843/CaaWRk.jpg
(Better graphics, better FPS - resulting quadruple gameplay boost!)
RECOMMENDED SETTINGS (open spoiler to read)
To enjoy intended quality please use following settings (all variants are good):
For minecraft 1.8.8 and above:
You need OptiFine! (1.8.8+) (Minecraft + OptiFine Settings)
If you don't have OptiFine, watch our video tutorial below

Mipmap levels: 4 (Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Turn ON internal shaders (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
Antialiasing: FXAA 4x (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
NormapMap: ON (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
SpecularMap: ON (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
RenderResMul: 2,0000 (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
ShadowResMul: 4,0000 (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
Cloudshadow: OFF (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
OldLightning: OFF (Options -> Video Options -> Shaders)
Alternate blocks: ON
(Options -> Video Options)
Trees: Fancy
(Options -> Video Settings -> Details)
Better grass: OFF
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Better snow: OFF
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Fast Math: ON
(Options -> Video Options -> Perfomance)
Use VBOs: ON
(Options -> Video Options -> Use VBOs)
Additional Recommendations
1. Click “Edit Profile” in MC Launcher
2. Tick Box “JVM Arguments”
3. Change “JVM Arguments” (-Xmx1G) to your memory size (RAM)
EXAMPLE: (-Xmx2G) OR (-Xmx4G) OR (-Xmx8G) and click “Save Profile”

full size image: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img633/1843/CaaWRk.jpg

For minecraft 1.8 to 1.8.7:
Variant # 1:
You need OptiFine!* (Minecraft + OptiFine Settings)
If you don't have OptiFine, watch our video tutorial below

Mipmap levels: 4
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Anisotropic Filtering: 4++
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Antialiasing: 4++
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Alternate blocks: ON
(Options -> Video Options)
Trees: Fancy
(Options -> Video Settings -> Details)
Better grass: OFF
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Better snow: OFF
(Options -> Video Options -> Quality)
Fast Math: ON
(Options -> Video Options -> Perfomance)
Use VBOs: ON
(Options -> Video Options -> Use VBOs)

*in default version 1.8+ mojang removed antialiasing option and decreased render quality in general, so you forced to use bad settings and you can't change this. You just can not achieve fine graphics with Vanilla (unmoded, official) minecraft 1.8+

full size image: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img633/1843/CaaWRk.jpg

Variant # 2:

(you need only mod, you don't have to use shaders):
You need OptiFine and Shaders Mod (Minecraft + OptiFine + Shaders Mod Settings)
or just Shaders Mod, but we suggest to use OptiFine aswell, to increase FPS
If you don't have OptiFine or Shaders Mod, watch our video tutorial below

Just mod, WITHOUT shaders (shaders set to NONE)
mod ITSELF will increase quality:
(Options -> Shaders)
NormapMap: ON
SpecularMap: ON
RenderResMul: 2,0000
ShadowResMul: 4,0000
HandDepth: 1,0000
CloudShadow: OFF

With activated shaders (shader pack selected):
(Options -> Shaders)
NormapMap: ON
SpecularMap: ON
RenderResMul: 1,0000++
ShadowResMul: 1,0000++
HandDepth: 1,0000
CloudShadow: OFF


full size image: [color=#000]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img909/4856/mjdahs.jpg[/color]

for minecraft 1.7.10- and below:
Just set antialiasing to x8 or better to x16, that's all

full size image: [color=#000]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img907/6509/UhffNe.jpg

In general:
to get 100% of realism textures we suggest to combine S&K Photo Realism with old popular LB Photo realism,
you can download it here:
Just put S&K above LB in the "selected resource packs" (options -> resource packs) - That will fill all gaps!

Added Resource Pack Shader Support
[​Parallax (POM), Bump Mapping and more]

Link: Instructions & Downloads

S&K Photo Realism (x512, x256, x128, x64) HD Minecraft Texture Pack

S&K Photo Realism (x512, x256, x128, x64) HD Minecraft Texture Pack

UPDATED to 0.4.2b (13/03/16 update #26) - read "update logs tab"
What's New



Currently presented versions:
x512 version: 0.4.2b
x256 version: 0.4.2b
x128 version: 0.4.2b
version: 0.4.2b

How to Download:
just click download button and choose your version! x512
, x256, x128 or x64
(All lower versions are ported manually and are very good for there resolutions)
We recommend to use best x512 version for ultimate experience!
If you can't download from mediafire, you can find alternative download link here:

Legal / Terms of use (Read if you want to distribute or mix):
Spoiler - click to reveal
This texture pack is created by SavageStyle and Kabaluna. (contact us: xstorm77@gmail.com)


Please read this terms of use:

This pack contain unique textures and weeks of hard work. You are allowed to use this pack for your own joy,
you are also free to use any textures from this pack for any mix you are creating for PRIVITE USE by yourself only.

* upload this texture pack or ANY part of this pack anywhere.
* use ANY part of this pack in your own pack and then upload it without our permission.
* make money of this pack by ANY ways (exception is YouTube).

* Share this texture pack anywhere with this DOWNLOAD link:


(This link is always updated to the latest version, so you can "set and forget")
AND you also have to provide a backlink to
if you CAN NOT post adf.ly links on your site, that you can use just link to our main post:


* Create any YouTube video with this pack (and monetize it), but you have to provide proper backlinks with credits.
Please include one of the links below:
Do not forget to show us your video :)

We are welcome any suggestions and feedback!
For any other questions you are free to write us an e-mail!

# Homepage:

# YouTube channel:

# E-mail:

# PayPal Donations:
(You can help us ALOT, by donating any amount. It's not just some extra money for us,
any donations will give us extra time to work on texture pack, it will support us greatly)

# adf.ly referral link:
(Get paid for every person who visits your URLs.)

For better gameplay experience, please use OptiFine
(it is strongly recommended)
With OptiFine installed you will get doubled FPS, and much, much more better texture look. Also you will get access to hidden video options, custom skies, and more! And it is very easy to use!
We do not recommend to enable "Fancy Grass" option (use "OFF")

How to Install/Use OptiFine (Video Tutorial + Instructions):
Spoiler - OptiFine usage

Download & Install
1. Download latest OptiFine from official site: http://optifine.net/downloads
If you can't find latest version, here is the link to the latest version at the moment: OptiFine 1.8.3 (very unstable), OptiFine 1.8.1 (stable)
2. Once downloaded open .jar file and click install
After successful instalation start/restart minecraft launcher and select OptiFine profile.

Additional Recommendations (extra steps):
4. Click “Edit Profile”
5. Tick Box “JVM Arguments”
6. Change “JVM Arguments” (-Xmx1G) to your memory size (RAM)
EXAMPLE: (-Xmx2G) OR (-Xmx4G) OR (-Xmx8G) and click “Save Profile”

Configure OptiFine for S&K Photo Realism
Pre: We do not recommend to enable "Fancy Grass" option (use "OFF")
1. Inside minecraft go to Options -> Video Settings -> Quality
2. Set MipMap levels slider to 4 (will not increase lags)
3. Set Anisotropic Filtering to at least 2, Set Antialiasing to at least 2 (will affect FPS a bit, but must be done, it will greatly boost texture pack graphics, use hight values if your PC can handle it)
Additional Recommendations (extra steps for fast PCs):
4. Set Anisotropic Filtering to 16
Set Antialiasing to 16
Navigate to Options -> Video Settings and explore more video options that can improve graphics (don't use fancy grass/snow)

OptiFine 1.8.3 may cause game bugs, such as non-transparent leaves or locked minecraft window scale. To make leaves transparent again use "Fancy trees" settings, to unlock window scaling, set antialiasing to "none" (or use fullscreen)

Using Shaders (How to download and install shaders mod and shader packs - Video tutorial + Instructions):
Using shaders (instructions spoiler)

Shaders will affect FPS dramatically. Recommended 8gb ram, alot of GPU memory and fine CPU clock speed.
If you want realistic shadows, lights, great realistic water, fog and wind! Then you want to play minecraft with shaders!

Install Shaders:
we strongly recommend to use shaders with OptiFine to double your FPS and make game totally playable!
1. Download and Install OptiFine (read above)
OptiFine version must match shaders mod version!
2. Download latest shaders mod here: Shaders Mod (updated by karyonix)
use download link under download section of the topic. Important: This is only shaders mod, that allows you to use shaders, you need also to download shaders.
3. Download shaders at the same topic: Shaders Mod (updated by karyonix)
Pick shaders you like under Shaderpacks section, we suggest to download more than one, then you can choose best for you. (you can also search google for "minecraft shaderspacks")
4. Install shaders mod, by opening .jar file (ShadersMod-v2.4.11mc1.8.jar - filename example you should open)
Make sure to close minecraft and minecraft launcher before installing. Important: When installing Select OptiFine profile!
5. Put shaders inside shaderpacks folder: Go to %appdata%/.minecraft/shaderpacks (you can paste this line into RUN or into File Explorer), put all downloaded shaderpacks in this folder.
6. Launch the game, select OptiFine+Shaders profile: Go to options->shaders, you can see all available shaders on the left (all shaders inside %appdata%/.minecraft/shaderpacks folder), you need to find what shaderpack you like! Try different to find the best for you!
As for options on the right side: RenderResMul, ShadowResMul, HandDepth - more is better and more is more lags, you have to find comfortable settings.

NOTES: bug: double flowers may unroot and drop as items in very rare cases.
RenderResMul is affecting game even with NONE shaders selected, always set it to 2.000 when you not using shaders!
This mod requires recent and fast graphic card with NVIDIA or AMD GPU.
Intel HD Graphics drivers *.3408 to *.3621 do not work and will crash.
Intel HD Graphics driver can run without crash but it is still slow.

About Our Texture Pack:
I'm creating this pack with my girlfriend, we are working very hard to bring you best game experience! S&K is the first letters of our names and nicknames, that’s why we called it S&K Photo Realism.

We are following these principles:
* HD
* Quality
* Realistic
* Harmony

As I said, I'm working with my girlfriend, so yeah, the pack has already almost all flowers updated :)

Currently it has almost all basic textures

Some textures are taken by our own camera, some are drawn from zero, some purchased and some from free stores (as raw material). The point is we are using (and will use) only best textures for this pack.

I removed all unnecessary things from the pack, so you can combine your favarite HD pack and that one, to get 100% textures done. Just add S&K Photo Realism, on the top of the list.

Progress40% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9

35 Update Logs

Shader support : by SavageStyle 07/02/2016 7:41:16 amJul 2nd, 2016

  • Added Resource Pack Shader Support [Parallax (POM), Bump Mapping and more]


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03/10/2020 8:53 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Can you make the texture of glassess connected as they look more good...
01/29/2020 10:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
For those not wanting to open thier PC's to potential Malware threats via adfly. You can browse directly to the site.

If you still want to support them there is a Donate function on the page.

snkphotorealism . blogspot . com /
12/09/2019 11:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can't download. Always takes me to another random page. Thank you.
09/02/2019 7:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Couldn't download it. Adfly wouldn't let me through and after a few tries the link no longer seems to work for me.
08/24/2019 7:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I can't download this texture pack
08/01/2019 6:32 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Hero
Do not allow notifications on adfly site. After few times you reject, you will be redirected to download page.
12/09/2019 11:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
07/22/2019 12:33 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
07/22/2019 2:25 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Modder
The link works just fine for me. Click on the adfly link, wait 5 seconds (without clicking anything else on the page), then click the "skip ad" button in the top-right corner. That will redirect you to the download page.
