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Level 31 : Artisan Nerd Creeper Hugger
This pack simply changes Ancient Debris and Netherite Scraps to look like Waffles :D
(also renames them as long as your language is set to English US)

Thanks to @Waffle_Sauce on YouTube for unknowingly giving me the idea to make this pack :)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

1 Update Logs

v2 : by EtechMC 01/19/2025 8:49:29 pmJan 19th

Fixed 3 issues:
Waffle Debris no longer have butter on the bottom of them (added a new texture for the bottom)
Waffle Debris now use more "waffley" breaking particles (they now use the bottom texture for particles rather than the side)
And fixed the pack icon so that it's now a square rather than a rectangle.

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