Minecraft Blogs / Review

10 Reasons Why Minecraft 1.0 Failed

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TheDenux's Avatar TheDenux
Level 71 : Legendary Architect
  • The NPC's. We were promised that we could trade, befriend or kill them in 1.8. This was delayed to 1.9 but as of 1.0 they still haven't been working optimal! They don't talk, trade, or drop anything when you interact with them!

  • Potions. Seriously? I think we're losing the main point of Minecraft. It seems like Mojang has mixed Scrolls with Minecraft.

  • The End. Nope, we don't want an end, we want to play forever!

  • The Enderdragon. Mob bosses? I don't want that, that doesn't belong in Minecraft!

  • The Finished Biome Code. Well I certainly hope not! Have you seen those swamps? They are terrible designed, how about some water textures that becomes darker, the deeper the water is?

  • Experience Points. Wait, what? You can't use it for anything? So Mojang want's to add skill points, cool enough. But shouldn't this already be in the final version of Minecraft?

  • MineCon. Oh, that was just sad. Everyone talked and wrote about it, and how awesome it would get. Instead we get some akward guy from Curse granting a Xbox 360 to some sweaty nerd. And oh, the audience were stone-faced, even during the proposal. They didn't even sell out all the tickets.

  • Hardcore Mode. Great idea, but seriously, if you die it deletes your world?

  • The Dragon Egg. Dropped from The Enderdragon, but why? What does it do?

  • The Final Release In General. Is it really the final release, or full version of Minecraft? I think not, perhaps Mojang should have worked more intense on Minecraft instead of starting up new projects.

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12/27/2013 1:03 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
LeSweeT's Avatar
omg wow i tried to make hand like this! i cant do it (its rly hard to make right hand inside look to left
11/26/2013 11:55 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
KennyRulz244444's Avatar
I disagree with MineCon (It happened in 2010 as MinecraftCon) but the rest, I agree with!

P.S. What about Minecraft Players that played during 1.0?
07/13/2013 11:21 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Pig
TheDiamondGlasses's Avatar
Dont like it? Dont play it.
05/04/2013 1:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Qublox17's Avatar
1.8.1 was nice.
I miss it.
12/29/2012 12:18 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Cheezy_Man's Avatar
08/13/2012 3:34 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
xxxsasukunxxx's Avatar
I agree, minecraft 1.0 is one of the most dreadful minecraft updates ever!
10/10/2013 1:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
patrick7878's Avatar
I agree too
07/11/2012 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
huntia2713's Avatar
Can you help me in the general help forum?
06/10/2012 8:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
OwlEyes419's Avatar
You're right in the fact that Mojang should've stayed focused on Minecraft and not called 1.0 the "official" release. But hell, as far as I know they don't have a large staff (I may not be right on that) and they're still making things better.
05/19/2012 4:39 am
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
MIKEYMK's Avatar
lol totally fail , u r wrong in every way , i love ur modern stuff , but this -_- , u totally failed , dont be so negative n try to make as good game as minecraft on ur own , btw y u play mc yet ?
so this is just stupid blog anyway
