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10 things that SHOULD be in minecraft!

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Kakerot57's Avatar Kakerot57
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
I know you guys have probably read a ton of blogs like this and you probably see things you've seen before on other blogs like this but just hear me out...

1.BETTER ANIMATIONS!! Jeb...this has been a long time coming sure you can download a mod for this but some people(me personally) who cant figure out how to figure out how to download them want notch to just tweak the game and make all the creatures move better like maybe squid's tentacles being more squidy....or something like that....

2.More tools and armor...Why have all these materials if you can't make tools out of them? I'm not saying diamond ore armor is a good idea or anything but like obsidian armor and emerald armor those sound good what do you think?

3.Horses!!!...Sure pigs are fun to ride and all but you might want something you can actually control..I imagen jeb or notch are planning them in an update sometime I hope it's sometime soon I have a couple saddles intchin' to get on a horse.

4.More foods!!!....sure the game has SOME variety but why not stuff like potatoes,and berries,and cheese stuff like that..but I kind of doubt that they are going to add anything else..but you can always hope....

5.The Aether..I think it's just so popular it should just be added to the game.It would give minecraft some much needed world content.I've never played seeing as I said I can't tell a modloader from the mod itself..but it looks great..what do you guys think maybe we can get the aether officially for guys like me..just post what you think in the comments.

6.furniture!!! I'm tried of crouching on stairs and pretendind they're benches. we need real furniture like chairs and tables stuff that'll make your home a little more...homey.

7.RED DRAGONS!!!! Jeb needs to get along and add fish mobs,pigman,and red dragons it's been about 10 updates and still hasn't gotten to it I know hes got a lot to do but COME ON almost a YEAR since he said he'd put them in the game you'd think he'd put them in sometime!!....

8.MORE MOBS!!!...Like birds,squirells,fish,bears,and I dunno how about WOMBATS!! why not? come on Jeb seriously this game is kinda empty...

9.More ambiance!!! not the creepy stuff though that stuff is cursed..Like trees rustling,waterfalls,bird songs stuff like that the stuff that really makes you enjoy minecraft.

10.MORE SQUIDWARDS!!!!!ALL OF THEM!!! ZOMBIE SQUIDWARDS,GREEN SQUIDWARDS,AND CAVE SQUIDWARDS!!!!!what I'm talking a bout is more villagers zombie versions are coming out in 1.4,green you can hack them in. (they're coming soon! I hope...)cave squidwards are what notch calls villagers..

Let's thank notch,and Jeb for this great game!!Diamond this if you want..suscribe if you love it
thanks for reading bye!

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07/16/2013 6:21 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Nianor's Avatar
09/02/2012 9:07 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
onepieceop101's Avatar
notch is not working on minecraft so put jeb or jens
09/02/2012 9:33 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Kakerot57's Avatar
Thanks for the info.Changing it now.
08/21/2012 8:59 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokémon
Enigmatix's Avatar
YEAH HIGH FIVE FOR WE ARE THE ONLY PPL THAT CAN'T MAKE HEADS OR TAILS OF MODS! WOOT! I really think that this is a good article. Ive always thought that the game should have the aether and such in it. I mean, so many people use it, why not? and horses? YES PLEASE! also there needs to be craftable saddles
08/21/2012 9:00 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokémon
Enigmatix's Avatar
oh yeah and the game also needs smart moves
08/21/2012 9:03 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Kakerot57's Avatar
Oh yeah.Totally.oh I have something I forgot to give you....*high five*
08/21/2012 9:06 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokémon
Enigmatix's Avatar
08/21/2012 9:09 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Kakerot57's Avatar
Thanks for the diamond. I just made my account a few hours ago.
08/22/2012 2:33 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokémon
Enigmatix's Avatar
no problem!
08/21/2012 8:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
xXLMAOusuckXx's Avatar
I'm pretty sure they are putting in Horses or atleast are thinking about it.
