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15 Years from now, how will you remember Minecraft? (rhetorical question)

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RobeksHU's Avatar RobeksHU
Level 20 : Expert Farmer
The title is rhetorical, this is really only a showcase of what the game is and has become.


Imagine yourself, 15 years ahead, a lot of you will be in the age range of 25-35, and be grown out and done with Minecraft; however, perhaps one day, something will spark a memory in your mind, of what was once a glorious game (and who knows? maybe still will be), the game of, Minecraft.

Our Common Grounds

The Early Stage

Survive, Mine, Explore

Obviously, a lot of us are long time MC players. The majority of long time MC players really only remember early Alpha. A few, however, remember dev stages and such.The point is, the majority of us remember Alpha, which to many of us, that was our favorite time. When Alpha was throw at us, it seemed like an actual playable version of the game. We all took a chance and bought it. Whether friends told us it was a fun game, or we found it online, we still bought it. When we entered the game, we knew little. We had to look up recipes, and we were just going with the flow. We went with it, it felt like a rush, but a good rush. This was also when, getting in before night time was a huge deal, we didn't know what to expect. There was no goal of the game, only to survive, and have fun. Build, fight, mine, and what made the game fun... was exploration. Eventually, later, the nether was added, and it helped the exploration factor. It forced you to get diamonds, to get obsidian, to explore more. This is what I like to call the early stage. I will also give it a label or a catchphrase, rather (Seen at the top).

The Middle Stage

Adventure, Advance, Conquer

Now, this was the change of a lot, and in my opinion it was cool at first, but then, I missed the past. Everything was thrown on. Endermen, End, Stronholds, Mineshafts, Pearls, Eyes, New food system, sprinting, NPC villages, enchanting. To many, this was evolutionary, outstanding, the missing gap, everything and more. But, to some, it was the end of the magical experience for a bit, and some left then, and some eventually adapted to it. On this stage, a lot of new players joined Minecraft. This addition replaced the sense of exploration, with a goal of beating Minecraft. The game had an ending, and to me, it lost its magic in ssp. It felt rushing, no fun in mining more than you need, no reason to build for fun, and worst of it all, when you beat it, it feels like you have nothing left to do, when in reality, you do, that's to play like you did in alpha/early beta. Now, back to replacing exploration, it felt like you were done exploring as a whole. In alpha, you explored to get a sense of what was around you, and under you, and to see the cool landscape; however, in 1.8, it felt like you only explored to the point of only, getting enough materials, and finding the end portal. It felt really limited as apposed to alpha. Now, to many, this was amazing, and in their opinion, you could still explore like alpha, it was only your decision to do so. You could look at this positively or negatively

The Future and what is to come

Nobody knows what the future holds...

A lot of us will not stop playing until a lot later from now, and those people will experience what is to come in the future, and that's how they'll remember it. I have little to say here as it is impossible to guess what is to come with Minecraft, as it is a really modifiable game. To me, this game is only becoming an RPG (Which isn't bad, but it's losing it's purpose). The game, the game is drawing away from what it once stood for. The game used to be everything I stated in the first stage, and now, it's slowly transitioning into an RPG. Eventually, I believe the game will lose every element that it once held dear.

My goal in the blog, was to explain the changes and prior events, not to ask a question, only to make you think.

I am also not suggesting I am quitting due to these changes. I've adapted and learned to love them, however, one day, Minecraft will just be a memory, a memory of a game that once stood for something bigger than itself.

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11/13/2012 3:30 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Skinner
Kaduu's Avatar
Yea',those guys are turning Minecraft from the only First Person Sandbox into a poor-old R.P.G. .And how I will remember Minecraft?
The game had a lot of potential,and that's why they continued it.
But that's how they ruined it.Too many good things gather in
A mess,and that's how Minecraft got a dumb game.
09/23/2012 10:01 am
Level 30 : Artisan Bunny
Typhlosionboy's Avatar
How i will remember minecraft 15 years later, easy: That Game where i wasted my life on xD
09/23/2012 1:18 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
kyle_0978's Avatar
It's so dramatic... *cries* *weep*

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