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1.6.1 Upside down sheep glitch. (FUNNY)

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Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
Hey guys i found this weird thing in 1.6.1 where a sheep spawns upside down?
I just found it roaming around my plot.
So here's my story:

I came on my favorite server. I was chatting with my friend and then suddenly we came to the corner of our faction base and saw this sheep. THE SHEEP WAS UPSIDE DOWN!?
I have no idea how the sheep was upside down. But it sure is one of the weirdest things i've seen. One of my friends on the server also said they saw an upside down GHAST?
PM me on PMC if you've found any weird glitches or upside down animals in 1.6.1 and i'll report back to you :3
I am aware minecraft 1.6.1 is very glitchy and the run is quite glitchy too. It runs about 1 second or half a second after you double tap the W twice. It's weird how glitchy it is. Of course it's a new launcher and all, but i was expecting better from Mojang. Anyways i can't wait 1.6.2, and feel free to PM me or post anything on this blog about your experiences of glitched out animals and other weird things in Minecraft.

Thanks for reading,

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09/15/2015 10:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
I thought everyone knew this...
07/04/2013 5:43 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
This has been RESOLVED:
It's an easter egg in 1.6.1, so if you rename a name tag to Grumm or Dinnerbone the animal will be upside down so anything in minecraft will do :)
