Minecraft Blogs / Other

Dumb Ways To Die In Minecraft

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Cbenchimol's Avatar Cbenchimol
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
  • Dig a hole straight down
  • Try to swim with squids and drown
  • Make a wooden door
  • Trap yourself in a wall
  • Keep a creeper as a pet
  • Make a pigman upset
  • Take gravel to your face
  • Forget your armor at night
  • Ask a ender dragon to be your best friend
  • Make a fireplace in a wooden house
  • Try to fight skeletons in pairs
  • Place a TNT by a preasure plate
  • Do your own redstone work
  • Bring kids to your own server
  • Let a angry creeper inside
  • Change your skin to a creeper
  • Jump into a hole
  • Having too much XP
  • Try to jump on water from a high mountain
  • Building a high thing with no fly mode
  • Playing tekkit and exploding a nuclear bomb
  • Using a jetpack with a mod
  • Trying to create a mod and fail

Dumb Waaays Tooo Dieee, so many dumb wayss to die... Dumb ways to die in minecraft so many dumb ways to die...

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Cbenchimol 08/23/2013 3:46:09 pmAug 23rd, 2013

Added More Dumb Ways To Die

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03/15/2015 1:10 am
Level 33 : Artisan Toast
_Hellcat_'s Avatar
Lists are unacceptable blogs.
