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5 Must Have Minecraft Mods

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Siilan's Avatar Siilan
Level 46 : Master Lad
Hi there!

There are a lot of mods out there for Minecraft. Some are good, some not so good. But I have put together a list of 5 mods you must have in Minecraft.

1.Modloader & Modloader MP- Modloader and Modloader MP are two essential mods for minecraft. As the names suggest, they are used to load other Minecraft mods. Nearly all mods out there need Modloader in order to work. Modloader MP is the exact same as Modloader, but adds mod compatibility to multiplayer. With this, you can use your favourite mods on your favourite server (as long as the server allows mod use)

2. TooManyItems- One of the most popular mods of all time, and for good reason. TMI lets you add to your inventory any item in the game. It also has awesome fetures like letting you change the time of day, changing difficultyand turning creative mode on/off. This is helpful if you're creating arenas and other things like that, where you have to play in survival mode, but you can stilleasily build it. One of the best things is, it doesn't need Modloader!

3.Forge- Minecraft Forge is another essential mod, as it is needed by many other mods in order to run. Complicated mods such as the paintball mod need this mod, so if you want to add awesome mods like the paintball mod, Forge is a must!

4. Audio Mod- Audio Mod is a mod that, as the name implies, adds further audio support to your game. Audio is used alongside mods that have custom audio that the game usually wouldn't recognise. This is helpful if a mod you like has custom sounds that are an important part of the mod, but Minecraft won't recognise them. Anither one of the essential mods.

5. The Aether- Finally, after covering the essential mods that a Minecraftian must have, the final mod on the list is one of the biggest, and most awesome mods of all time: The Aether! The Aether adds a whole new dimension to the game, with floating islands, and lots of new mobs. Be warned though, many of these mobs are hostile, so it's a good idea to bring armour and weapons. There are also new dungeons, the Bronze dungeon, the Silver Dungeon, and the Gold Dungeon. Protecting the treasure of each dungeons are tough, boss mobs. With all these new additions, The Aether Mod also adds new armour, weapons and items. To get to the Aether, one must make a portal, which is designed to be the opposite of the Nether portal. Made out of Glowstone, in order to activate the portal, you need water, instead of fire. The Aether is a wondorous place, and mod,but be careful, you may not make it back alive!

That's all! With these mods, Minecraft will be much more enjoyable!

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10/06/2013 11:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Dolphin
Regevast's Avatar
Modloader SUCKS
03/26/2015 1:41 am
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Cpt_Toof's Avatar
Some mods just not compatible with forge...
03/25/2013 8:34 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
telamonianajax's Avatar
that was just mods that make mods run. and you should put awakening dreams on there. Its an amazing lotr mod. if you spawn orcs and humans, they will fight each other. plus you can make a helms deep and have a battle between uruk hai and humans.
10/19/2012 10:39 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
KeepCraftingBlocks's Avatar
Hey, I've tried to download the aether on my Windows 7 computer and I couldn't do it. Can you give a link to the things I need to download the mods such as mod loader, forge, and the aether mod? Thanks.
10/19/2012 8:19 pm
Level 46 : Master Lad
Siilan's Avatar
Hi. Unfortunately, Aether mod hasn't been updated to 1.3.2 so you need 1.2.5 to play it. I'll post up link to forge, modloader etc. soon
10/22/2012 10:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
KeepCraftingBlocks's Avatar
Aw geez,thats annoying. But I was prepared for that so I have some other mods in mind that are 1.3.2! Thanks! :P
10/07/2012 10:06 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
laserpigofdoom's Avatar
most of those are mod enablers... they arnt mods theyre modding tools for more or less complicated coding
