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A Better Minecraft.. Annual Fee?

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Refrigerat0r's Avatar Refrigerat0r
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Hi it's my first blog on pmc :)

so i've been thinking lately that the development of minecraft is rather slow and small.. i think we should pay like 5 dollar / year for boostering the development of minecraft?

with that mojang can do these thing :
1. Hire Potential Modder. (expert mod maker like eloraam , risugami , spacetoad , and much more)
2. Hire Real Life Expert. (real geologist and environment people that can improve the world generation)
3. Add tons of feature and make the minecraft file bigger. (because i heard that they pay a lot money for the bandwidth when you update minecraft)

thing that i expect :
1. Faster And Much Cooler Update.
2. Fix the world generation (really this is the most important feature that i've been waiting.. in the old minecraft (alpha - beta 1.5) every seed has it own unique (you can't find any same landmark) and now every server that i go have the same world every place have the same landmark :(.)
3. Improve farming and cooking so there will be huge variety of food so i can open a restaurant on the server :)
4. Improve The sea life (sea life in minecraft have been dull and the water texture is bad too)
5. More Furniture (shelf , table , chair , lava cauldron , etc)
6. More Function For Some Item (egg , mycelium , lapis lazuli , etc)
7. More Multiplayer Customization.
8. Mod api and villager implemented sooner.

thx for reading.. sorry bout' the grammar my native language is not english.. please diamond if you like.. if you agree with me tweet notch , jeb and any other mojangsta about this blog okay :)

Edit :
you may ask "why we should do this? mojang already get a lot of money from selling minecraft.." yeah but i think mojang start thinking that minecraft will die soon.. we'll show mojang that there's more money to be dig from minecraft and make mojang taking minecraft more seriously. and they have been maintaning minecraft for a long time. other game start dying because it's not get maintained anymore.

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08/17/2012 7:17 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
11401140's Avatar
ill add much more things to minecraft. and delete many stuffs from minecraft.
08/17/2012 7:29 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
yeah.. the survival element of minecraft is better than the RPG element
05/12/2012 10:53 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Mod API is going to be implemented.
Hire potential modder?Mod makers are in the community not the company.They're "Mods" not regular game.
More furniture-make a couch out of 2 stairs and 2 signs.Same with chair but with 1 stair.Table you can make with 1 fence and 1 slab or pressure plate.
Real Life Expert-Real life geologist experts might not want to work on a game...and if they do I think Mojang would want to make the world on their own anyway....

Annual Fee-Have you seen how many people have bought the game?And there's so much stuff now they could add some of that stuff without an annual fee if they wanted :3
05/12/2012 11:01 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
yea but there are just like 6 people who work on minecraft.. and i think mojang is not taking minecraft seriously anymore since notch make another game..
05/12/2012 11:03 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Jeb works on Minecraft.
They're going to release a 1.3 update.
The game isn't finished yet...and I think some companies release a game while working on another ._.
05/12/2012 11:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
the development is really slow though :[ and no any significant change..
05/12/2012 11:15 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
You probably say that because you probably haven't played since alpha or Beta 1.5. *I started in Beta 1.5 but there was Alpha before beta and Indev and stuff before that...*

Anyway Jeb is adding what he thinks Minecraft should have like Notch when he was lead developer of the game. *Notch is still leader of Mojang but Jeb is leader of the Minecraft project and Notch probably still works on it idk.*

EDIT: Also I think mod api comes in 1.3.Read minecraftwiki.
05/12/2012 11:44 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
no.. im playing minecraft regularly.. *lol im started playing in beta 1.5 too.. (1.5_01 to be exact)*

yeah.. i still miss the old world generation though..
and jeb working on cobalt too -_- www.oxeyegames.com/
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