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i miss the old world generation (new world generation sucks)

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Refrigerat0r's Avatar Refrigerat0r
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
well i really missed the old world generation.. i stopped play minecraft because the new world generation sucks.. i have left minecraft like 3 month ++.. then my friend found a mod called nbxlite we play it on multiplayer and it was very fun.. so i decided to go back to minecraft and made this blog..

i started to play minecraft when 1.5_01 comes out.. i play it everyday.. i think i was obsessed by it.. then when 1.8 comes out i was so busy and can't play.. i just tried and thought the world is nice the cave is so big.. then when 1.0 came i play it everyday and i started to become bored and don't know why.. i stopped play minecraft.. then i realized it was because the world generation.. once you see a biome you've seen it all.. everything looks the same.. seed is useless.. back then when it was the old world generation the world was very unique i never saw the same amazing thing.. it always different and makes me excited.. i remember seed like "gargamel" , "404" , etc. multiplayer is 100x better with old world generation it was very fun like the old days. i wish mojang would change the world generation. i prefer randomness than something that's set. that's why minecraft is fun because it's randomness not like other game that have the world already set. and just try type on google "i miss the old world generation" you'll see it's not only me and my friend.

sorry if it was too long i wish you can understand my feeling about world generation. and sorry bout' grammar.. i'm not native english speaker. share it to other minecraftian and mojangstas kay thx :) if you felt like me and make a blog , banner , or something post it in the comment.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Refrigerat0r 08/17/2012 4:29:50 pmAug 17th, 2012


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04/20/2013 5:19 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Treticle's Avatar
1.2_02 was was the best in my opinion
05/17/2013 12:56 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
maybe because that's the first time you played minecraft?
09/21/2013 12:02 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Treticle's Avatar
Well to be honest, all terrain rendering was about the same in early Beta so it doesn't entirely matter.

After 1.8b, the biomes were far too predictable. You would for instance never find a random large mountain in the middle of the fields biome, as you would find a flat field in the Extreme Hills Biome.

In the upcoming 1.7 update, technical biomes should fix this and bring about a less predictable variety of land features, and bring about a better feel of wonder and discovery when coming across rare sights such as large cliffs in field biomes or the addition of rare Mesa biomes.

The finding of something rare in early beta Minecraft is what I miss the most, that was the real treasure back before abandoned mine-shafts, jungle temples, pyramids and villages.
08/17/2012 7:13 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
11401140's Avatar
oh yes... you have BLUE SHINY VERY RARE THING now.
08/17/2012 7:32 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
thanks :)
08/17/2012 7:11 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mountaineer
11401140's Avatar
yeh, thats true. Its the same like me. I stoped playing minecraft when they made the ugly swamp biome. Jungle is good, but swamp is bad made, they need to make it better. But the biggest reason why is stopped playing minecraft after swamp is made, is that the normal biome has changed. They made precisely biomes, snow, desert, jungle, forrest, alleys, swamp. But before swamp was made, they are not so preciesly, one biome was forrest-beach-alleys-mountains . But here i am again in MC 1.3.1 , they put it again, but its still not the same as old. I hate stupid dragons and villagers. That is NoT SurViVinG GaMe ! Now its some wizard shit. But they put that you can remove the NPC. So im playing now like that.

08/17/2012 7:32 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
yeah everything is set. the cave is always the same. the mineshaft always the same. the ravine too. swamp is the same. jungle actually looks the same but covered by the huge tree so it looks nice. i wish jeb would give the old world generation option.
08/17/2012 6:31 am
Level 37 : Artisan Grump
tex12347's Avatar
1.5 wha 1.4 was the best update
08/17/2012 6:50 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Refrigerat0r's Avatar
lol i wish i had found minecraft sooner..
