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A good kit plugin for Bukkit??

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PowerOfMining's Avatar PowerOfMining
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Hello, and thank you for reading this post.

I need a kit plugin for my Minecraft server, and I am wondering if anyone know about a good plugin. The players should be able to start with their armor equiped, and can only use one kit per life. If you can find a good plugin, you will get a free kit on my server.

If you can MAKE a plugin like this, you will get all kits on my server for free (lifetime), and if you want, I could donate some money to you for the time you are using, and if you want something else, please tell me =)

Please help.
CreditPower Of Mining

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08/20/2012 9:09 am
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
Mister_Fix's Avatar
x_O did you ever heard about essentials? newbie -,-
08/20/2012 9:18 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
PowerOfMining's Avatar
That is what I am using right now -.- But essentials doesn't have the ability so that the players doesn't need to put the armor on manually. And it doesn't allow potions etc.
08/20/2012 9:30 am
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
Mister_Fix's Avatar
of course you know better them me -_-... *hosting server from 2009*
07/10/2013 10:09 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
charleston240's Avatar
Try LiteKits and putting a sign that says
do /kit select *name*
