Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

A Guide to Hypixel's Bow Spleef

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Level 37 : Artisan Geek
Hey Mooks! (Introducing a new name to my subscribers)

I have a guide on Hypixel's Bow Spleef.

Double Jump: Tap your space bar twice, if you lag during your first jump over a hole, you will die, it will bring you where you were jumping and you will probably fall in a hole.

Repulser: If you shift you if anyone in a 1 block radius of you is caught, they will be thrown up into the air.

Triple Shot: Left click to use this move, will shoot three arrows at your opponent, if you shoot up in the air this move MAY fail.

Reverse Shots: See a person firing at you? Well reverse their shots at THEM! Just run into the arrow (or jump) and it will instead shoot at the person who fired at you. (WARNING: May cause loss.)

Summary: Basically shoot people with your bow and use your special moves to win!

Tip: If you see someone running, shoot the corner, it makes a hole with three air blocks! (Only do this if it's the player is near a gap.)

BYE MOOKS! o/ <-- Me waving goodbye.

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07/14/2019 8:06 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pig
holy jesus thank you
09/01/2013 12:24 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
One other tip: When there's an open gap that a player is running by, shoot the corner, lighting up 3 TNT's at once
09/01/2013 12:27 am
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
Will add thanks!
