This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

Contest - The Origin Of Steve

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MutantFang's Avatar MutantFang
Level 81 : Elite Nerd
The Origin Of Steve

          In a peaceful world made up of blocks, where cows moo'd and wolves barked, came a mysterious player named "Steve". He spawned in a calm and peaceful forest where flowers bloomed every where. Confused and lost, he woke up and saw a world made up of blocks. He walked throught the land trying to find new players and civilizations. Steve walked, and walked, ran and ran until he finally arrived at a village. The blacksmith of the village saw the tired player and brought him into the building and taught him how to craft. After he was taught how to craft he left the village, but before he did the blacksmith waved good bye and wished steve luck on his journey. On his seventh day of Minecraft he was on his own. He crafted basic tools like a wooden pickaxe, sword, and an axe. He mined searching for stone and coal to make a furnace and cook his raw food the blacksmith gave him along the way. As he embarked on his journey to find coal, he found some iron along the way. With the left over stone he picked up, he made a small basic house and kept expanding it along the way. As soon as the shadows of the murky forest began to rise, steve knew what he was up agiants. It all became a part of his typical rutine until this one night changed his entire life.

          Steve had just crafted his armor chestplate one night and wanted gun powder to mine with tnt. He took his iron sword with him to slay Creepers to their doom. He stepped outside of his doors and brought his dog with him. He climbed the massive mountians were many would not survive trying to climb it. Behind the mountian he had found monster paradise. He refered the name to this area because lots of mobs would typically spawn there, anyway once he slid down the mountian he hid behind a tree and mostly shot Creepers for the needed gun powder. Little did he know an army of skeletons were behind him. Once he got shot with an arrow, he knew his chest plate and his iron sword wouldn't be much help for him. He  was so worried that he quickly bolted to his house for safety. Once he got a quick look of his house, there were many Creeper waiting for him to arrive. Some how the skeletons and creepers had manage to trick steve as if they were planning this all week long. He skeletons arrows pushed him foward to his house as the creepers moved closer. The creepers then fused and blew up his house and him. Before he knew it everything he had worked for had been lost. He spawned back in the forest, then he let it sink in his mind. He was lonely and depressed. He didn't know what to do until he looked over to the plains biome and saw a player called "Alex". She saw him and quickly ran to him. The sun was rising and steve knew it was a begging of a brand new day, a brand new life. The story doesn't end there. Minecraft is full of Steves, belive it or not. Some created amazing structures like massive castles, majestic roller coasters, deep underwater cities, marvelous landscapes, etc. Others share their Minecraft expirience with their friends. This story is endless, but the most important part is that the story begins with you.



Well since your here, you might as well check out my other contest entry: Industrial Revolution Project Contest Entry to show your support!

Please diamond to show support.
---Feedback is appreciated---  c: 
~Thanks! :) 


4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by MutantFang 10/03/2014 6:23:04 pmOct 3rd, 2014

-Organized and indented pharagraphs.

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02/16/2016 10:25 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
inactiveguy's Avatar
Idc what Epicly thinks. That was an awesome short story !!!
12/29/2015 8:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Epicly's Avatar
This story could have been way bigger and more detailed, even though i'm a year late. The thing that bothered me the most is the fact that the "Blacksmith", AKA the dude with the furnace, gave him, wait for it, RAW. FOOD. I mean, the trading is bad enough, i didn't know that villagers could be such Dbags.
12/30/2015 1:00 am
Level 81 : Elite Nerd
MutantFang's Avatar
Yeah, I agree w/ you a 100%

This story is a bunch of garbage. :P
Yet again, it was made about a year ago so... xD
06/11/2015 12:26 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Great entry! a shame it didnt get in the first place's ;D
10/19/2014 10:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxMarion360xX's Avatar
10/19/2014 11:08 pm
Level 81 : Elite Nerd
MutantFang's Avatar

Thanks! xD
10/13/2014 11:43 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Painter
Pagazz's Avatar
Nicely done :) I like how you ended it and took it from a literal perspective
10/14/2014 11:04 pm
Level 81 : Elite Nerd
MutantFang's Avatar
Thanks! c:
10/05/2014 1:55 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Poohcraft's Avatar
Steve knew was he was up agiants?
10/05/2014 1:57 pm
Level 81 : Elite Nerd
MutantFang's Avatar
Am I a pre-schooler or something? xD
Thanks for catching that error, it's fixed know! :)
