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a long story about the legend of Steve part 1

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xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar xDutch_Hunterx
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
Hey guys, my name is xBounty_hunterx (in minecraft) and my friends and family tell me i have a massive imagination, and I thought why not make a story about minecraft?? (not imagination related) Okay here we go.... Hope you like it

Chapter 1: How It Began

Once upon a time, In a small, cold, old house on a mountain, a Woman gave birth to a little man, he was very little for his age and very thin, he had brown hair and had brown eyes, his skin was slightly tanned. His mother and father decided on giving him the name Steve, and so the legend of Steve begon

By the age of 6, the parents of Steve noticed that he was a bit different then the other children in town, he had a smaller nose, he was more intellegent and he knew his way around a sword, but he couldn't speak as well, he communicated trough signs somehow. He used the signs that he made and his intellegent to make a small market, villagers could trade with him and he traded that with other villagers, he was eating a lot as well, for a 6 year old he got hungry pretty fast. He was quite tall for his age, he was as you could say: special

Chapter 2: Steve As Teenager

When Steve got to the age of 15 he started to be more curious in more complex things, he crafted weapons even the blacksmith hadn't made till that point, he crafted food even the baker didn't bake, and he mined ores even the dwarfs didn't mine. He went on and on and helpped the villagers of his town by making everybody going a step further and further, helping them to live a less simplistic live. He became more known in his village, but his village wasn't very big, so everyone knew each other. Steve was always wearing the same outfit, the same old blue shirt that was sloppy put intp his pants, and alway wore the same shoes, and at this point, he was as big as the grownup villagers. He Started to think he could help the villagers even more, and so he made something no man had ever seen before, once there was spoken of it. Old, weird looking ladies with high hats made them deep in the swamps. They were called potions said Steve, they where bottles with red liquid in them, the villagers didn't know if they should trust them, cause villagers strongly believe in the story's they had been told over the years, some of them ran away, some still watched but there was only one who was willing to try it: John, he had been in a wheelchair for 4 years and had given up on life, so he tried it. He drank it al in a matter of seconds, he burped, and then opend his eyes wide open and said: i feel alive again. He stood up and went mining, that was the reason he enden in a wheelchair to begin with. He came back with more cobble someone every brought back, he was fast as a snake and strong like a bear. All the other villagers wanted to drink some aswell, so he walked up to Vince, he hadn't had a job in his life and never found out where he was good in. Steve learned him how to make potions, he made money and started to make a house, from this point on, Steve became man of the village, because he started to really help the village like no one ever did before. Steve learned on his adventures and thought them to the villagers, it started to expand.

Steve was only 19 when his parents passed away, a creeper blew up in the middle of the night, no one saw it coming. Steve wasn't home that night, he was helpen the town nearby ready to trade with his village and maybe even make a town together. He got back and the whole town stood in front of the remainings of his house, now nothing more then just some wood and cobblestone. All of the villagers looked at the ground at the same moment and steve new what had happend and he decided that if faith wanted his parents dead, so be it. but he would not leave it at that, he ran down the mountain, chopped wood and then ran back up, there out of his pocket he grapped to blue and shiny things. The other villagers didn't know what they were, but Steven told that they were Diamonds, they gatherd them in the village he had been to. He crafted him self a diamond sword, grabbed his iron armour and left the village. The villagers didn't want him to leave because he was there only defense and he had given the economics a boost. Then he placed 4 iron blocks down in the shape of a T, grapped a pumpkin out of his chest, and placed, then took some steps back. Yellow and green lights became to circle around it and suddenly a big light came out of it, and there it stood. It was a villager but different, it was made of iron, had less clothes and was bigger. Steve told that in the village, these golems protected the diamonds, and now, our village as well. So steve left with his diamond sword and iron armour and went hunting, he killed thousands of evil mobs and went from village to village, helping every single village learn somethng new they didn't know. He learned them to make houses bigger and higher, like no house was ever build before, he learned new ways to use ores, he told the villages that you can make houses with them

Chapter 3: Steve Returns

At This point, Steve is 23 years old, and know in his whole land. they named him the Bounty_Hunter and named him King as
well, well, later on he went back to the village he was born at and saw that te village was 5x it original size, the buildings where more complex then before, different themes where used, there were modern but also medieval and even industrial, it was very nice to see that the Villagers went on with there lifes, even without Steve being there to tell them how to do stuff. They made new lights for the streets, better roads, this also caused that there where more jobs to do, the whole village was now in a good shape and everyone did what they needed to do. The whole community worked together, and it all started thanks to Steve, not suprisingly, The villagers where very thankfull for Steve and even made him a house for when he came back. It was a big house, modern, made mostly of wool, it had a swimming pool in the back yard and a pond in the front yard, he stepped outside to thank the villagers, but the villagers said that Steve shouldn't thank the villagers, but the other way around. When the Sunset came, and the young villagers were put to bed, Steve told all of his scary story's he had had over the years, about weird creatures who didn't live in this world, but came here through a portel, he told that it didn't work right now, but that the creatures are walking over this land, waiting for the portal to open. The villagers asked if he wasn't scared but according to steve, they where afraid of water and only attacked if you looked at hem, so no steve wasn't scared, in fact Steve wasn't scared of anything he said. The villagers loved his story's and the way he told tem, but Ashley, she loved more then just his story, he loved him

How does it end between Steve and Ashley, and what about his village and land. Put down in the comments if you want to read part 2 or that you want imagine the rest of it yourself. Hope you all enjoyed, and if it is to long. I'll try to shorten it a bit.

Hope you all enjoyed this part of the story, any tips are being appreciated and let me know if you want part 2

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02/27/2014 9:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skyjr's Avatar
A bit too many errors
02/28/2014 5:21 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar
part 2 is much better and do you have any tips on those errors?
02/24/2014 5:21 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pixel Painter
munchiesyum's Avatar
The story went by very quickly, not giving us Steve's life but more of a summary. Part 2 might be good but would only make an effect if it went more into the relationship story and took more time.

In conclusion the story was rushed.
02/24/2014 5:22 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar
i can try to rewrite it a bit, thank you for your honest comment, ill try my best
02/24/2014 5:24 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Nobody132's Avatar
Well, maybe you could try to beef it up. Use some juicy adjectives to spruce things up. Also, don't be afraid to add a lot of detail, that's what people hunt for these days. Also, if you have a long story that you have to scroll down the page to read, add some soilers but rename them as chapters.
02/24/2014 5:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar
i will add more detail to it, and i will try to make chapters at well. Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated
02/24/2014 5:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Nobody132's Avatar
No problem :)
02/25/2014 4:27 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar
tonight ill make part 2, it is going to be very detailed indeed. and it will come in chapters as well.
02/24/2014 5:19 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Nobody132's Avatar
Interesting concept, could use a little work though. Great blog though!
02/24/2014 5:21 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
xDutch_Hunterx's Avatar
thank you, any tips on the work part??
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