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A story, twisted three bears story, except its not the three bears

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TitanSeas's Avatar TitanSeas
Level 25 : Expert Robot
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young lady who loved the woods. One day she was walking along on the woods and there was this big, fat, ugly, wolf dressed like an old person. The big, fat, ugly wolf walked into a cottage, there was an old lady in there dressed like the wolf, (This scene is really graphic so excuse me for all the blood) so then the wolf walked over to the lady, growled, ate the old lady, so there was blood everywhere. (I told you it was going to be bloody) Then the big, fat, ugly, wolf licked up the blood and lay down in the bed. So then a girl in a red hood came skipping along with a basket full of cookies, she skipped into the house and went into the room where the wolf was. There was a scream and blood splattered all over the windows where the beautiful lady was watching. (By the way the beautiful lady is named Foxilocks) Foxilocks screamed and ran away to a house. It was a lumberjacko s house because of all the wood. She knocked on the door and told the man at the front door o please help, I just saw an elderly woman and a little girl be eaten by the wolfo So without a word the lumber jack grabbed his ax and asked o where is the wolf?o Foxilocks said o Follow meo together they ran all the way to the cottage where the wolf was licking up the mess. The lumber jack said to the wolf in a Thor like voice o I command you to throw up the old woman and the little girlo and surprisinglyo ¦. He did not. So the lumber jack grabbed his ax and yelled o HAVE AT THEE!!!!!o and split the wolf in 2 pieces. Foxilocks looked at the man in astonishment and at the 2 bloody pieces of the wolf and fainted. She woke up in a bed, in the lumber jacko s house and got up lazily. She walked to the kitchen and saw breakfast on the table and the lumber jack in war clothes. Like I mean not like a helmet and camo, I mean like armor and a cape and a bunch of other cool stuff. The lumber jack turned around and looked at me. o Has thou awaken yet?o then Foxilocks said o yeso so then the lumber jack spun his ax around and it made this portal type thing and he actually flew straight into it. Then the portal disappeared. Then Foxilocks fainted again. She woke up still on the kitchen floor and it was night time. She knew it was not safe to wander in the woods during then night. So she wandered through the small cottage and stumbled across a Norse map and the top of the map read ASGARD and so then she fainted once more. So she woke up and it was daytime. She got up and thought that she should probably make her way home on the way home she came across a house made out of candy. She peered through a window made out of transparent candy I have never even heard of. What she say where two little fat German kids eating the furniture inside the candy house. One said o Hansel look at this sofa ito s made out of gummy bears!o The other one said o Really? I want some Gretel!" o Oh shut up you dono t want meo said Gretel o I meant the sofa pass, me some will you?o Said Hansel. Then Foxilocks saw a big olo witch came into the candy house took them up and shoved them into a pizza oven. (I think she thought they were pizzas) Then the big olo witch said o I just love pizzas that taste like little childreno so then Foxilocks gasped and fainted again. She woke up with the 2 little fat German kids above her. (I think ito s raciest to call them 2 little fat German kids, but Im not raciest) So then Foxilocks looked at them and said o youo re still alive??o The German kids said o yeso ¦..o in almost perfect harmony. She walked with the little German kids and talked with them about stuff like o Why did you go into a candy house in the middle of the forest when you dono t know if it is a trap or not??o Isno t o your mom worried about you?o So then they talked about that kind of stuff and the German kids found home again (which oddly looked like another candy house) then she sighed and said o Have fun getting eaten again!o So she walked and then heard screams if the little German kids ando ¦o ¦ shrugged. She was walking in the woods again trying to find her way home and she stumbled across (Not really stumbled but ran into, it was invisible) Then Foxilocks wondered with a bloody nose what is there? She put her hand on where she ran into and there was still blood there but it looked like it was floating. Then once she put her hand on it a huge, gigantic castle just popped out of nowhere. She gasped fell over and fainted AGAIN like she did a billion trillion times before. She woke up she was still alone and she walked through the back gate, because the front one was not open. So the first place was a huge gigantico ¦o ¦..bathroom. Then of course she sat on the toilet seat and thought if she should get up and move around and look around or go back out and try to find her way home. She chose to look around the huge gigantic castle. Then she got up walked about a half a mile to get to the door were she could go out of the bathroom that smelled somewhat like daffodils. So she got there and a huge hallway with a reddish pinkish rug as far as the eye could see. Then she started to walk to the right and for 3 miles which took her all morning. Then she finally came to the kitchen, and she was hungry really, really, really, really hungry! She got everything out of the kitchen and started mashing everything in a grinder. She put lobster,, raw steak, every kind of candy, and so on. (Even zombie guts I think) She got all that stuff and she put it in the oven for 2 or 3 hours and when it came out it looked like heaven and tasted like heaven it smelled like heaven. She started eating every single bit of the thing she just made and the oven that came from heaven, even though the oven exploded, it was still a good oven while it lasted. So with a full stomach she wandered to the dining room, where there were a lot of dining tables with a lot of chairs and at the head of the dining room were three little chairs. The biggest one had no cushion or anything to lean on the back of the back of the chair. The medium chair had so many cushions you would be suffocating because the cushion comes up over the side and over your head. Then the smallest chair which looked perfect with the right size cushions and just over all heavenly. She walked over and sat in the little perfect chair ando ¦o ¦o ¦..it broke into pieces so small it looked like it disappeared. So then she ran away out of the dining room and ran forward for 10 miles and finally came across a bedroom. It was so gigantic; it was bigger than my whole house! So then there were three gigantic TVs. They all covered three of the 4 gigantic walls. The biggest one had a speech going on by a politician. (Foxilocks hates politics) So then she said a very bad cuss word. So then the next one the, medium wall, had the new going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on (etc.) about this person who shot someone with a shotgun. (Very bloody) So she was like OH! Then another very bad cuss word. So then she went to the smallest wall and there was a TV with cartoons and a bed were you could see the TV perfectly were you were laying. So then she got in the bed and put the covers over her head and watched the cartoon of this guy who eats spinach and gets stronger. She thought it was bad so she said a bad word lazily and then collapsed in sleep in the bed. So later while she was sleeping the people who own the gigantic huge castle. The owners were huge gigantic people, (not fat, or maybe a little but tall) there were three people who dressed like god. So then the three owners walked into their heavenly kitchen and noticed that all three fridges were empty and their oven burnt up. So then they gasped and fell over and fainted and so Foxilocks was still sleeping in the little bed in the bedroom. When the three owners woke up they went into the close by dining room. When they walked in the smallest owner also the most stupid, started a most awful cry saying o were did my chair go?Lo So then the medium sized owner started laughing o my chair is all fluffy now!!! Ito s all puffed up.o So the biggest owner frowned and grabbed a bone and started gnawing on it. So then the owners took a short cut outside in autumn, to get to there rooms with the TVs. They were almost there and then the lumber jack who went through the portal and made Foxilocks faint over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. So then they fainted and while Foxilocks was STILL sleeping she was dreaming about a handsome lawyer who is perfectly flawless and is awesome and gawking at her also he was in love with her. So then when that dreamed ended while the three owners were knocked out her next dream was about a haunted faucet that was put in an auction. So then the three owners finally woke up in the middle of nowhere, literally no where. In the middle of the desert they got up and started looking for water and food. So then the lumber jack came back through the portal and took them back to the huge castle. Then they started back to there route with the short cut, and Foxilocks was still sleeping. So then the three owners finally got to there bedrooms with there TVs and they thought they have seen it all but no there was a little girl sleeping in their bed and fainted again. So then Foxilocks finally woke up and saw the three owners on the floor and they were Gods!!! Foxilocks screamed and ran away in terror she ran all the way home, all the way SPRINTING. When she got home her mom was crying with a knife to her chest and she looked at Foxilocks and started crying from joy and hugged Foxilocks for three hours and then she fainted or maybe died who knows but she was knock out for a long time she still has not woke up yet today and she is still lying in her bed so I guess its


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10/07/2012 4:58 pm
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