This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Adventure Mode Block [Break/Place] Customization [Minedeas] [Contest]

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Shiap's Avatar Shiap
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn

Ever since Mojang released "Adventure Mode" in an official Minecraft update I have had the idea to add a whole new level of customization to it, this would greatly expand the possibilities of Minecraft Adventure Maps, and Vanilla Servers with Command Block World Guard. Here are some of the list ideas...

  • Additional Options Menu - When generating a new world in adventure mode and additional settings option should appear. Were It shows you all of the block, with a picture, organized by ID code. And in this menu you should be allowed to choose for every block whether or not it can be placed or broken. And for really advanced maps there should be an additional option that appears when you go into advanced settings were you can decide which tool must be used to break a certain block.
  • Defaults - Right know some of you may be saying to yourself... "Hmmm... This could really take a long time to do this for every block." That is why some good default options should be set. Here is what they might be...
    • Break & Place All Blocks
    • Break All Blocks
    • Place All Blocks
    • Break & Place No Blocks

    From here it should be a lot faster to just pick the certain blocks you would like to edit.

Possible Problems and Solutions

Problem #1 - If you have game cheats on you can switch between gamemodes, what would happen then?

Solution - Make it so that when you switch gamemode Minecraft goes back to the normal default settings, but when you switch back to adventure mode the original custom settings return.

Problem #2 - What if I make a mistake in customizing which blocks can be broken or placed and I don't notice until I finish making my map? I don't want to do all that hard work again!

Solution - While in the map by pressing Esc you open up the menu and go into Options and in there will be a menu called "Adventure Block" were you can edit the properties of the blocks at any time. (And if you don't want people playing the map to change things, then maybe we can add a custom password to this menu, set to that specific map were it is needed to be entered in order to edit the blocks properties.)

Please feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions, concerns, or ideas.

Please Make Sure to Diamond if you want this to be added to Minecraft.

If you liked this idea and would like it to be added to Minecraft please share it with ALL your friends and try to make it as popular as possible!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Shiap 12/09/2012 4:06:46 pmDec 9th, 2012

Added Problems/Solutions. And Share with Friends. Changed Title.

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12/13/2012 6:07 pm
Level 41 : Master Ninja
hunturbo's Avatar
A server or a map should have a file, in which they can put blocks in which the people can break. Or a command block function to target a player when they can break the blocks
12/12/2012 3:15 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
Wow great job, I love it. The cover picture lures me in, and the ideas are great. Diamond for you. ;)
12/15/2012 4:15 pm
Level 47 : Master Pixel Painter
jl70l7u's Avatar
or so he can get more views and exp.
12/12/2012 3:17 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Shiap's Avatar
Thanks very much, if you really would like this to be modded or added to the game try to spread the word to all your friends. So maybe someone that can make this happen by noticing it.
12/09/2012 5:42 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
i like it, needs a cover photo though
12/09/2012 6:00 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Shiap's Avatar
what do you mean? it has one
12/09/2012 7:39 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
well i cant see it, dont know why
12/09/2012 5:04 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
Team_Subspace's Avatar
I like this, especially the "place all blocks" part, I've been thinking that should be an option for a while. Have a diamond
12/09/2012 5:33 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
Shiap's Avatar
Thx, if you really want it to be added to the game get all your friends to diamond it so a good modder might notice it!
The Micro Freak
12/09/2012 4:18 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Sweetheart
The Micro Freak's Avatar
Cool! Diamond for your face!
