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Adventure Time!

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Level 17 : Journeyman System
Just a bit more about myself, I LOVE adventure time. I think it's a great show. For those of you who don't watch it (Why not?????????) it's about a boy named Finn and a shape shifting dog named Jake. It's kinda random and very cheery. It takes place after a great war (great as in big, not good). Though you can't really tell unless you pay really close attention to every little detail. Other characters include;Ice King, Lumpy Space Princess, Princess Bubblegum, Peppermint Butler, Cinnamon Bun, Slime princess, Hot Dog Princess, hot dog knights, Ghost Princess, Mee-Mow, The Lich, Marceline, Hunson Abadeeer, Flambo, Flame Princess, Lady Rainicorn, Donny, The Business Men, Lemon Grab, Shelby, The Snail,Magic Man, Tree Trunks, The Bear, Worms, Worm King, and many MANY others.
CreditCartoon Network

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11/01/2016 4:37 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Dwarf
cool! Adventure Time is awesome!
03/13/2013 5:17 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
wow. i took you a while to remember the lich.
