Minecraft Blogs / Interview

An interview with Chron- Pigterview #2

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CrazyPigglet's Avatar CrazyPigglet
Retired Moderator
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
So, here's how it's gonna work: I wrote 5 regular questions, that I'll ask every single person, or "the normal questions", then, I wrote 150 random questions, and let the interviewed person pick 15 numbers. This are his/her "random questions", which makes 20 questions total in the entire interview. I will interview who I like to, so please, do not ask to be interviewed.This week, I'm interviewing Chron. Here we go.

Me: Hi Chron! How are you?
Chron:Just... just riveting, you?

Me: Great, thanks for asking! So, why did you name yourself "Chron"?
Chron: Well, I named my Dialga on Pokemon Diamond Chronalga... and then dropped the -alga because people thought I was a long lasting photosynthetic organism. So, yeah.

Me: Wow, that's...something...So, what inspired you to make blogs?
Chron:  I can't make anything else Not sure, really. I've always enjoyed writing, and people told me I was good at it, so I decided to keep going with it.

Me: Haha, I'm sure you have more talens, but you should probably stick to blogging! So, how did you get yourself on PMC?
Chron: My friend BeastyCreed showed it to me after showing me MC, and then proceeded to leave the site soon after. 10/10 friendship right there if you ask me.

Me: Hehe... So, any upcoming projects we should know about? 
Chron: Can't promise anything because then I'd have to follow through with it, but I hope to have a couple more blogs and a project out sometime soon.

Me: Well that's always great to hear! Well, you have a lot of blogs & you're a mod. Do you consider yourself to be famous on PMC?
Chron: Eh, famous is such a subjective word. I'd like to say I'm decent well-known, but I'm not really sure. I've got an awesome group of close friends, and that's what matters most to me, rather than being known by a high quantity of people. 

Me: Ah of course! Since you've been on PMC for a long time, you have your favourites, but who is your least favourite person on PMC?
Chron: I'd rather not name names, so I'll just say they're gone now (:

Me:They always go away at some point! Your OC has wings, so is your favorite animal some kind of a bird, or something else?
Chron:  Favorite animal... This is probably the hardest question on the list. I think I'd have to go with the ant. I really admire their social structure and how developed they are for being so small and seemingly insignificant. They don't think only for themselves, which I wish more humans would learn.

Me: Yeah, you're right 'bout that one. But let's say you are a dog. What dog breed would you be?
Chron: Border Collie because reasons. (I'm not a dog person.)

Me: Pff, you cat people... Besides yourself, who is your favorite PMC mod?
Chron: Um... Is Snowy a proper answer? She's cool I guess.

Me: She is, isn't she? And she just won the just won the Crazy Halloween Skin contest, which I placed 17th in! So, what contest badge you own is your favorite?
Chron: Probably my first place trophy for winning LoST. Pretty proud of that, even though all I did was fight -TT- twice. Or my finalist trophy for the Life of Steve contest, I never expected to get 5th.

Me: Well that's pretty sweet! Now, who's your favorite actor?
Chron: Martin Freeman, I love almost everything he is and he's hilarious every time.

Me: Oh, he's fantastic! Would you rather travel by train or by bus?
Chron:  I'd rather travel by train, buses are overrated and trains have a sort of surreal feeling to them. I have a fondness for trains.

Me: Me too! Here's a werid one: what's your favorite salad?
Chron:  Take some iceberg and romaine lettuce, throw in some carrots, cheese, and croutons, and drown it in Olive Garden dressing. Perfection.

Me: Sounds tasty! Who's your favorite youtuber?
Chron: ... really can't decide between Matthew Patrick (MatPat) of the Game Theorists, PeanutButterGamer, JonTron, and Continue?. I love them all and I have great memories with all of them. (In other words, I'll just say the entirety of Normal Boots + MatPat)

I was to lazy to link all of those guys, so you'll have to check them out for yourselves

Me: Hehe, I wouldn't be able to pick one either! So, what piece of clothing is your favorite?
Chron: I can't walk out the door without a good hoodie, although skinny jeans and Converses are pretty important to me as well. So... Let's go with Converses, I haven't gone a day without wearing them in 2 years.

Me: That can be a bit... dangerous... Here's another dangerous one: what fast food restaurant is your favorite?
Chron: Zaxby's, because the amount of food is nearly perfect and they have Cherry Fanta, which is heaven in a styrofoam cup.

Me: Never heard of it, but I bet Americans will know what you're talking about xD What's your favorite snack?
Chron: Cheddar Jack Cheez-Its. I may or may not eat entire boxes in one sitting.

Me: Wow. All the wonderful healt habits. So, who's your favorite person here on PMC, besides me, obviously? 
Chron: I'm gonna exclude my BOMB brothers in this because I can't chooce between family members, so I'll say my boy Banana. He and I have had some deep talks and he's a really cool guy that I can trust. Even though I haven't known him that long, he's pretty rad.

Me: He is pretty cool, isn't he? Unfortunately, this interview has come to an end. Quick, give as a whale fact before we leave!
Chron: Wailord is the only Pokemon in Random Battle to carry Water Spout on every available moveset, and Choice Specs on almost every moveset.

I meant real whales, but I guess pokemon is even better...

Chron: Thanks for the interview, by the way. No one else has ever interviewed me and it was one of my goals to be interviewed before I left (not that I will or anything)
Me: Not a problem. This was fun, and you're my pal. I can't believe nobody interviewed such a fun guy before!

Well my little piggies, I hope you liked it. As always, if you would like more, do show some support by leaving a diamond, a comment, or maybe even fav? Everything is appreciated, because this does take a bit to make! :D
Next up: A pigterview with Master G and then another one with Arcaniax!
Thank you for joining me, Pigglet's out!

CreditChron, for answering all the questions so quickly :D

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11/19/2015 10:04 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Batman
Dutch_Emperor's Avatar
Nice interview :D
11/19/2015 10:28 am
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
CrazyPigglet's Avatar
Thank you :D
12/12/2015 4:36 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Batman
Dutch_Emperor's Avatar
When are you uploading the next one?
11/20/2015 1:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Batman
Dutch_Emperor's Avatar
After Master G and Arcaniax, interview Happs, he's the most fabulous person on pmc.
12/12/2015 6:52 am
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
CrazyPigglet's Avatar
Idk, I have the interview, just too lazy to make the banner xD
11/15/2015 10:13 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
Banana's Avatar
You bet I'm pretty cool
11/15/2015 11:58 am
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
This is a really neat idea - the 5 regular questions, and then the lottery for the rest. 

Very nice interview c: 
Chron why ar
11/15/2015 12:10 pm
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
CrazyPigglet's Avatar
Thank you :D
11/14/2015 10:42 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
me next
11/14/2015 4:28 pm
Level 49 : Master Batman
OmaRusty's Avatar
epic interview :D
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