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Angry Birds Mod! (Now 1.5.2!) By TheMysteriousMRM and Frog2face!

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Frog2face's Avatar Frog2face
Level 75 : Legendary Baconator
Good day all! Thanks for clicking! Quick Link: Angry Birds Mod! Now uses Forge and is available for download for 1.5.2! GO GET IT!! NOOOOWWW!!!

The purpose of this blog post is to notify all my brilliant subscribers and any other PlanetMinecraftians of the release of a Modification, based on Angry Birds, using textures made by me!

Roughly three weeks ago (Mid. May 2012) a user by the name of TheMysteriousMRM (check him out!) asked me for the usage of my textures in a mod he was making. Eventually I granted him permission and now three weeks on its ready:

Angry Birds Mod!

It's currently a Work In Progress however so far its a very sound piece of code and I am enjoying using it, especially seeing my own textures brought to life! Its also one of TheMysteriousMRM's first uploads to PlanetMinecraft so go give him some love and welcome him to the community ;D

The mod itself is very in keeping with the real Angry Birds Game by Rovio with each bird having their own unique ability (i.e. Speeding Up or Dropping an Explosive Egg). There are even enemy pigs which need killing and in the future there will hopefully even be playable levels within Minecraft itself!

To use the mod you will need ModLoader and after putting its necessary files in the minecraft.jar open the Angry Birds Mod (using 7Zip or Equivalent) and drop all of its files in the same place. Finally, run Minecraft and it should work, assuming you did it correctly! It did for me and I'm a complete n00b at such things XD


The mod was made by TheMysteriousMRM and I, programming by him and texturing by me! I only gave permission to him and no one else, so don't copy my textures or his code!!! >:D No copyright infringement is intended on any party and due credit has been given wherever possible! Thanks again, <3 Frog2face!

Now Includes:

  • Compatibility with 1.5.2!
  • New textures for spawning stuff in!

Possibly Coming Soon:

  • Angry Birds Space Birds?
  • Randomly spawning levels in-game?
  • Subscribe to us both to keep up to date!
CreditFrog2face (Textures), TheMysteriousMRM (Coding), Rovio and Clickgamer (Original Angry Birds Game for iOS)

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Frog2face 07/09/2013 8:40:25 amJul 9th, 2013

Update for 1.5.2 compatibility! He worked really hard to bring the mod up to date so go and check it out!!

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07/21/2013 6:54 am
Level 20 : Expert Crab
monday_j's Avatar
After space birds, next is Star Wars. Use the force, young Padawan. The force that makes everything you make awesome. In fact I'm-a gonna promote you to Jedi right now! Your force is amazing...

EDIT: Don't forget gravity spots either that's a real kick in the southern necessity
07/22/2013 5:17 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Baconator
Frog2face's Avatar
Hah lol that'd be awesome! I really wish I knew programming better so I could implement it XD Its done to TheMysteriousMRM though, he's been working like a trooper on this :)
07/15/2013 10:14 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
NickolayMiner5's Avatar
Woah! Nice!
07/15/2013 5:56 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Baconator
Frog2face's Avatar
Ahah thankk youu :DDD
07/16/2013 6:15 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
NickolayMiner5's Avatar
DERP! You're welcome!
06/19/2012 3:31 pm
He/Him • Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus Imposter
shinadafan2012's Avatar
Angry Bird Space birds would be awesome!
06/19/2012 3:34 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Baconator
Frog2face's Avatar
I know right :D The textures are all there, just the ideas and mechanics, and the code, that's needed :)
06/17/2012 1:49 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
Dalek_Thal's Avatar
Looking forward to it
06/17/2012 1:13 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Baconator
Frog2face's Avatar
Its out now :D

Angry Birds Mod!
06/16/2012 7:26 pm
Level 23 : Expert Skinner
MasterDylly's Avatar
this mod seems epic. i will definitely look at it
