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Assassin's Creed Minecraft: An AWSOME RP GROUP

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TriggersDown's Avatar TriggersDown
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
Countless times I have been griefed and couldn't do anything about it..I also hated how server owners and op "control" you (The first couple servers I came onto, this conflict is redundant). I decided to step up and create a group (Based on the EXTREMELY AWSOME VIDEO GAME) of people that fight for what's right. The rights of all players of minecraft and to fight off the forces of EVIL: Griefers, who I related to templars (Bad connection? IDK). At this point my creed has about 50+ (Not everybody can join) members throughout a bunch of servers (Deathly Fellows by egen97 being the main one). we're basically a "security system" making sure the world is safe. Most of the times PVP is not allowed, but griefers get away with it. We break the PVP rules to bring justice to society and keep everything in balance. I know some of this isn't what assassins from the game are about, but I changed alot of stuff over the years because creed members getting banned from servers because owners and ops don't like the idea of it.


I would also like to bring up the topic about other creeds. I know I'm not the only one who created a clan,faction,or rp about assassins creed. About a couple weeks ago my creed came into conflict with anther creed. We didnt fight but it was hard to keep track of members and who's boss (My creed as a basic ranking system to keep some order, the other creed didnt). I soon came up with this idea: The United Association of Assassins (That name has the word a$$ 3 times!). This could be a "big" group made up of smaller groups, such as my creed. This gives off the whole "clan" (Idk wat to call it) idea I see off of revelations who theres a brotherhood in rome and anther brotherhood in dfdasfcastaple (Idk how to spell that). We can unite these creeds and help each other. Maybe we can even make our own server and get some others to make a "clan" war. Its a work in progress. but its a good feeling to be united with my fellow assassi

Countless times I have been griefed and couldn't do anything about it..I also hated how server owners and op "control" you (The first couple servers I came onto, this conflict is redundant). I decided to step up and create a group (Based on the EXTREMELY AWSOME VIDEO GAME) of people that fight for what's right. The rights of all players of minecraft and to fight off the forces of EVIL: Griefers, who I related to templars (Bad connection? IDK). At this point my creed has about 50+ (Not everybody can join) members throughout a bunch of servers (Deathly Fellows by egen97 being the main one). we're basically a "security system" making sure the world is safe. Most of the times PVP is not allowed, but griefers get away with it. We break the PVP rules to bring justice to society and keep everything in balance. I know some of this isn't what assassins from the game are about, but I changed alot of stuff over the years because creed members getting banned from servers because owners and ops don't like the idea of it.


I would also like to bring up the topic about other creeds. I know I'm not the only one who created a clan,faction,or rp about assassins creed. About a couple weeks ago my creed came into conflict with anther creed. We didnt fight but it was hard to keep track of members and who's boss (My creed as a basic ranking system to keep some order, the other creed didnt). I soon came up with this idea: The United Association of Assassins (That name has the word a$$ 3 times!). This could be a "big" group made up of smaller groups, such as my creed. This gives off the whole "clan" (Idk wat to call it) idea I see off of revelations who theres a brotherhood in rome and anther brotherhood in dfdasfcastaple (Idk how to spell that). We can unite these creeds and help each other. Maybe we can even make our own server and get some others to make a "clan" war. Its a work in progress. but its a good feeling to be united with my fellow assassins
CreditAssassin's Creed,Minecraft,

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02/13/2015 2:46 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
rektarockta's Avatar
I would love to join. Im also a Veteran Assassin an a few other Assassin groups. Vittoria Agli Assassini
07/15/2012 3:55 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
zonate12's Avatar
goal:ridding mincraftia of poverty and slavery by mods and ops.
motto:stay away from the red snow
story:we rose up from the freezing slums in the darkest corner of mincraftia
and showed the admins that, you can strip away our armour, you can strip
away our inventory and you can strip away our land. but you can never, ever
no matter how much you try, strip away our spirit.

i made a page (http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/anarkia--untied-association-of-assassins--application/)

my ign is zonate12 i will be happy to fight with you
07/14/2012 1:52 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
zonate12's Avatar
can i start up one of the smaller groups to go towards your dream of a larger group, full credit to you of course and all the time mentioning of the united asscociation of assassins, just think about it plz, oh and thanks for the comments!!
03/30/2012 9:35 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pokémon
Azul719's Avatar
Triggersdown are you tempest crow on
assassinscreedminecraft website ??? just wondering because i registered and am waiting reply.
03/30/2012 10:30 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
TriggersDown's Avatar
Yea. I so totally check my email around 2 a clock at night. Lol. I'll pm u some info on the website tommorrow. Its pretty late for meh here. Thanks for signing up
03/31/2012 11:56 am
Level 24 : Expert Pokémon
Azul719's Avatar
No problemo!
02/02/2012 12:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
egen97's Avatar
I will just say, that Deathly Fellows, might (most probably will) come up again soon;)
02/06/2012 11:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
TriggersDown's Avatar
02/07/2012 10:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
egen97's Avatar
Nw, it's for sure, we are working on making the map, and we WILL be up soon
02/07/2012 3:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
TriggersDown's Avatar
We need to round up or ole Death Fellows crew!
