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Awesome Superflat Seed!

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Ardency's Avatar Ardency
Level 45 : Master Dolphin
Oh emm gee guys! I just found an amazing superflat seed for 1.4.5! So here is the story:

I had the idea of maybe making a redstone based zombie hoard sort of thing, so I named the world "Zombies Maybe?" Then I went to where you put a seed and make it superflat. I made the map just a normal superflat kind of world and put in a random seed. It turned out to be awesome! You spawn on top of a villager's house! XD This is probably the coolest superflat seed I have EVER found. Here is the seed:

Seed: 215522444

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08/03/2014 12:19 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mammer55's Avatar
how is it so cool? you only spawn on a house
