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Being Griefed, Being a Griefer (TIPS!)

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Storm_RAZOR44's Avatar Storm_RAZOR44
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
So there has been this server I've been going on and it's one where you are litterally encouraged to grief and kill everyone. My friends and I have been building underground houses, above ground houses, underwater houses, and even houses that are underwater underground. Every single house that we have built in the history of that server, has sadly been griefed. Our last house was in a cave, we had a mining technique where you go down to the very bottom of the ground until you reach the top layer of bedrock, and we made this big long hallway and indented every 3rd block and we would mine those indents until we reached lava. We had that house for about a good 3 weeks and it got griefed. We were so rich, we had everything, a room of lapis luzui, a chest full of diamonds, diamond swords, picks and shovels, brewing stands, just everything. A couple days after we got griefed, my friends decided to go to the other side of the world without me :(... After a while I didn't really care too much. I decided to wander around myself. I passed through houses accidently and got killed and all my stuff taken from me. Then I decided, no more Mr. Nice Guy lol. That's where my epic griefing carreer began! I was at the spawn point and I figured, ok I don't have anything, soooooooo IT'S TIME TO GRIEF!!! Around the spawn point was a huge jungle (some people were so stupid that they actually made houses in there) so I thought I would go griefing. I'm kinda the sort of assassin person on minecraft and I'm good with doing parkour on minecraft. So here I am climbing up trees, jumping on vines to break my falls and waiting out the night up on top of the trees. I came by a few houses and the players were offline, so of course, I took everything they had that was of value. This one person (you won't believe this part) had a secret chest that I dug up and I looked, there were some diamonds and stuff. The thing that really shocked me was the TNT. In a different chest I found some flint and steel. You know what that means (No do not take it home with you, this may happen to you if you do) it's time to finish off this person's house. So I blew up half his house. Went to a far away spot, got out some of the diamonds I took and was just like a dwarf digging a hole.

Here are some techniques

1. Remember to use the sneak *VERY IMPORTANT*

2. I recomend using smart moving to climb different things if the server will let you.

3. Use some common sense, and don't walk through the front door (well you could if you want)

4. Dig down, figure out where the bed is *SNEAK* destroy it and try to either kill the person or just go back to your hole and jump and place blocks to fill it in until your at the top.

5. If you didn't kill the person, when you get up top... SPRINT!

6. Don't fill up your invintory with useless stuff, only take valuble stuff.

7. Don't put a sign saying you did it... Trust me on this one me and my friends got serious payback on this group of guys, so just don't go there (then we went back a second time to find them prepared in full diamond armour)

*Griefing isn't cheating or breaking the rules, unless the server says so, it's fine to do. WARNING: People my get mad at you for griefing them, but who cares, you griefed them because you either needed supplies or you were just mad at them. ALSO, using xray texture packs or mods is always breaking the rules unless the server says so, don't xray. You don't have bragging rights when you cheat. But you have comeplete bragging rights when you grief XD!*

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08/29/2012 7:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dominus1701's Avatar
I always greif but not for fun (well okay sometimes) it's usually for supplies. Some tips I have found:

Always have a home set underground somewhere where you can store stuff and retreat to


Don't go after hackers they have godmode

Don't destroy the entire building. Leave somthing. Behind

If someone is giving you trouble type in ADMIN HELP that usually helps scare your attacker away

Don't post signs saying 'don't grief'. No griefer would listen to that
and take their stuff

Don't go after hackers (like me ha) they can sometimes fly or even have godmode
08/06/2012 7:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Duskkiller115's Avatar
Hey do you think you could pm me that server's ip? I wanna try out some of those tips :)
05/24/2012 8:42 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Herobrine
Deathgod136's Avatar
I say shame on you for spreading the knowledge of "grefing" I know everyone knows what it is and how to do it but WHY? even though it is allowed on the server you are talking about Grefing overall is annoying and just dam immature for anyone to do!!!!!!!

I know most grefers have never had to Run or Help run a server before, but try it and see how annoying it really is!!!!!
05/25/2012 3:18 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Storm_RAZOR44's Avatar
No, you have probably been griefed too much... If you're so against griefing, why did you even read this blog in the first place.
05/25/2012 3:42 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Herobrine
Deathgod136's Avatar
To be honest with you i read this blog just to express my blunt opinion on the idea of "grefing" but, you have a point all of my unprotected builds EVERY time i log on people have grefed holes, walls , and roofs out. It just gets annoying
05/25/2012 4:46 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Storm_RAZOR44's Avatar
That's the fun part in minecraft, it brings a challenge. More than just fighting againt computers like creepers and skeletons. Also it's not something planned like a PVP arena. It just brings more of a challange to people so then they are more aware of their surroundings in minecraft. Well it would be fun to just have your own little village and everyone lives there, but thats what private chests and world guard is for.
05/26/2012 6:50 am
Level 38 : Artisan Herobrine
Deathgod136's Avatar
private chests are annoying if its in my house its mine not some idiots to raid whenever. and worldguard......ya well that only covers servers your high ranking in.
05/24/2012 7:34 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
TLA88's Avatar
05/24/2012 5:50 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Hunter
Storm_RAZOR44's Avatar
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