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Best technic seed Ever

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Captin_cakes's Avatar Captin_cakes
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
When your playing single player world on technic make a new word and type in this seed: 6130155816780999981
you will spawn in a jungle but be in creative mode and fly up. then on fly to your right and there will be 6 biomes in front of you That are: Jungle, plains, forest, desert , snowy forest, and moutians. then when you fly foward next to the river look to your left and there will be an Oil spout. Its the perfect seed because its has 6 connecting biomes and some oil. WARNING THERE IS SPREADING TAINT IN SNOW ZONE GET RID OF IT BEFORE ITS A PROBLEM.

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11/07/2012 11:43 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Captin_cakes's Avatar
it spread's and consumes the world turning it into a purple block
10/27/2012 6:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Odiin46's Avatar
what does taint do
