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[BEWARE] Hacker

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vaxivop's Avatar vaxivop
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
Hello, everyone. I am here to talk about a serious matter: A hacker by the name of Phobos. He has been harassing and hacking the mod known as Field of Dimensions, and this post is mainly here to warn everyone.
First of all, here is a back story of what he have done and what have happened:

Phobos was a person that started telling us he was watching us at the beginning of the mod. He would sign in and say "I'm watching you" whenever we talked about him or laughed at him. It was pretty innocent at first.

But then, Phobos started to become aggressive towards us. He started insulting us, remarking on our flaws, and constantly harassing us. It was about this time that we made our first huge mistake, we started accusing each other of being Phobos. Everyone shouted at each other and it was a deafening roar of hatred and suspicion. But we stopped, and thank god we did.

It was about this time that we found another mod. Called All Dem Dimensions. Or ADD as we like to call them.
They seemed to be very similar t us, and we distrusted them at first.
We grew to like them, until I checked our stats.
Blogger has a stats counter that analyzes where people come to your website from, and I found their forum on this list. I followed the address, and found a series of vicious posts that accused us and ridiculed us. This was before I noticed that in fact, this was posted before contact was made. We grew very angry with them, but I overcame my anger and posted a letter on their forums, which said how disappointed I was and that I would like to continue to be good to each other. And it worked. ADD and FoD became great friends during that time, but Phobos appeared one time. It was then that ADD declared that they did not know in fact who this Phobos was. But they had a clue. Wekker, one of their members, said that he had an account on our forums. We were suspicious of Wekker. Until we found out later that the account Wekker had was not Phobos, but Nek0 an entirely different person.
And so Phobos was still at large.
During this entire time, Phoobos had been up to his shenanigans. He even once banned me from my own chat, and talked for a long time, menacing us. But also, we found something vital about him.
Hexus Inc. to be precise.
Hexus Inc. came in one day to "apologize" for what their employee Phobos had done. And said that he had Jumped the gun on their plans. We researched Hexus and no trace was found, until we were hinted by a document on Photobucket, where a screenshot of the text telling people who the leaders were was posted.
Apparently, this document was a sort of "contract". Phobos came in later that day and banned me again, and told everyone else what he did. For reasons unknown. My theory is his EGO. He told us that Hexus was a company that dedicated to sell appliances and modems, but that he was dedicated to take down promising mods, and combine them into one "Mega-Mod". And then he left. It was only recently that he again attempted this, after being long gone. Hexus came in to our chat once more and said that they were convicting Phobos for having jumped the gun. And that they were banning him. They needed the archives of what Phobos said.
SO it was that I gave them it and they sent me a link to where the trial was held. Phobos was humiliated and convicted. And finally he left us alone.

As you can see, Phobos is a strange fellow, who is hacking big mods. I am posting this to warn everyone about this guy, and hopefully get him to leave.

Thank you for your time :)

EDIT: The Phobos we are talking about is not this guy: http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/phobos/

But just another person that have the same name.

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09/26/2013 1:33 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
evilbob's Avatar
lol whut
02/07/2013 2:16 am
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
09/16/2012 10:56 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
phobos's Avatar
09/17/2012 6:08 am
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
vaxivop's Avatar
Lol, u mad?
09/28/2012 3:10 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
phobos's Avatar
of course im mad, because of this false imformation.
09/28/2012 7:18 am
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
vaxivop's Avatar
Hmmm, looking at your stats, you are not the Phobos i am talking about. Seems like your name is just the same.

I am sorry for this problem, but i will not take it down because people need to know of this hacker. However, i will write on the post that it is not you.

Sorry for the trouble.
10/17/2012 3:43 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
phobos's Avatar
ok thank you for your info. i will be on the look out for this hacker phobos is well.

08/25/2012 11:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Warrior
Ross0905's Avatar
Wow, that is rather interesting. I will be on the lookout for this "Phobos". I am very good at getting into the mind of hackers. PM me for more info.
08/25/2012 11:42 am
Level 47 : Master Spelunker
vaxivop's Avatar
Well, there is not much more. Phobos is a very mysterious guy.
