This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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froggy2555's Avatar froggy2555
Level 24 : Expert Miner
I am quite a fan of carnivorous plants. they really are something no one really knows about. When you think of carnivorous plants, you may think of the Venus fly trap. I assure you, there are about 200 more carnivorous plants in this world. The carnivorous plant(s) could be a simple block, like the flower, or it could be a mob. Something that you could actually interact with. Also, they might be in their own biomes. Now, in the real world, there is no carnivorous plant biomes, because they are very adaptive, they can be found in so many different circumstantial. Carnivorous plants grow in marshes most of the time though. Yes in swamps, if, it is under direct sunlight. The history of carnivorous plants is an interesting one. Back in the day (A VERY long time ago) they were not carnivorous. Soon, when marshes began forming, the plant had to make a large adaption, the soil is becoming infertile. They had to find some way to get protein. The plant actually adapted in a way to catch and digest insects. If they were mobs, might as well make them the size of a chicken or make them huge. It wouldn't be the first time MC made a small life form large *cough* spider *cough*. It should be immobile though. The design for the mobs could be similar to the most commonly known carnivorous plant, the Venus fly trap, or it could be a completely custom design. If it was a block, like a flower, then what we could do is, either have spiders drop insect bits, and you hold the item and right clock the plant, as it grows. Or we could make the fly mob. It would be tiny. When the mob flies by the plant, the fly stops and begins being damaged. Eventually it could grow into a mob. Maybe even loyal, like golems. If it was neutral, then it could be perfectly still, until it is damaged, then it could attack. If it was hostile, it would attack as soon as it was in range. The attack could be, it wiping you with vines. If there was multiple carnivorous plants, each one could have a unique attack. . Or paddling you with its giant leaves, it could spit up acid, or it could try and eat you whole. They could drop, digestive fluids.In the real world, there is a specific species of aquatic carnivorous plant, called the bladderwort it has capsules, to amplify light. Insects and fish are attracted to light. in the shape of a bladder. It attract insect and small fish into the capsules using the clear leaf, that makes up the capsule. In game, it could trap you making you immobile, slowly digesting you. The process of digesting insects is simple. Trap it, release digestive enzymes, absorb the fluid of the bug.The digestive fluid could be used in potions, or splashed on enemies. It could work like poison/acid. It could also drop more insect bits. I believe this could add more variety to the game. Carnivorous plants is a topic no one really pays attention to. It is interesting to think about a plant. Moves, contains digestive fluid, eats meat. I think this could introduce new concepts and put more interest in the minds of many players. This would also add more plants. Minecraft has many building blocks, although, not enough plants. Plants help decorate the builds. If added, they could be put into pots and cultivated.

Something else I am quite fond of, is simple garden care. The pots were simply fantastic. Although, they are really simple. The size limits many things. The plant never grows. This is true for all grasses, flowers, lily pads, and ferns. The tree has 2 stages. The sapling and the full grown tree. It would be nice if there was one more stage in between. The trunk of the tree would be that equivalent of a cobble wall post. It would have regular leaves though. Another thing that would be nice to add would be, leaves drop branches. From the branches, you could craft into sticks. One branch would craft 3 sticks.

New trees could easily be added. There are so many more tress in this world. Each tree could be found in a different biome. In the Caribbean, is a tree no one would think of, when you say tree. The tree is known as the most dangerous plant in the world. It is called The manchineel. Its sap is corrosive. If it has contact with skin, it could burn you, or just cause n irritated rash. If it has contact with eyes, it could cause blindness. If ingested, could be fatal. In game, it could have the same effect as the digestive enzymes. If you stand under this tree, it would drip and damage you. The sap could be put into potions and used against emeies. The shape of the tree would be a very tall and thin tree.

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03/03/2013 11:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dracomage99's Avatar
Very good idea!
12/17/2012 4:19 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
That_guy2000's Avatar
plants that do nomnomnomnomnomnom..
12/17/2012 7:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Miner
froggy2555's Avatar
my point exactly!
12/15/2012 10:16 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Jetfrog28's Avatar
it sounds awesome! I like that you realize that in minecraft things arent realistic and have it come to life! nice creativity! diamond!
12/15/2012 10:23 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
froggy2555's Avatar
thankyou! I appreciate the opinion!
12/16/2012 7:14 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Jetfrog28's Avatar
your welcome!
12/15/2012 9:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nice dude!!!!! I hope they add carnivourous plants to minecraft im into them too! Diamond and sub!!
12/15/2012 9:21 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
froggy2555's Avatar
thanks man!
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